DS's class is for kids age 4-6. They rotate between two different instructors, with a third jumping in every once in a while. (There is only one instructor at a time.)
His class is very small -- there are usually only three kids counting him, although every once in a while it goes up to 6 or 7 if there are kids doing make-up classes.
20+ kids but there are at least 4-5 instructors & a couple of younger boys (13-14) that are also black belts that help out, they split them up often in smaller groups for more individualized instruction. They also really work well with an individual child if he is new or a bit more shy than the rest...
In Rowen's class 3-6 year olds there are about 15 kids and one instructor. He definitely needs help. I just wanted to see if this ratio was the norm...I guess not!
there are three 5 year olds in his class and one instructor, sometimes an older kid or two will come in and help if they are working on different skills. I think a 4th kid will be joining next week.
before we moved to this place, he had 40 kids in his class ages 4-13 all different belt colors and one head instructor with about 5 assistants, it was nuts, totally nuts.
So our karate academy has its classes broken down by Levels that have 4 belts in each level. We have three main instructors, and then LOTS of assistants. It just kinda depends on who shows up that day and then they break us down... usually by age group - Little Ninja's (3-5), kids (6-12), and big kids (13 - adults). Sometimes we are all together in one group, but most of the time we are in smaller groups of anywhere from 2 students to 7 students per instructor. Some days it is chaos, and some days it is mellow. We are a small school so we all just stick together and help any way that we can. However, if I felt my son's instruction was somehow lacking, I would have NO issue with saying something. If you are concerned, I would suggest talking to the Master - maybe they can have a session for your child, just one-on-one with an instructor?
Good luck!
Check out my blog about parenting, weight loss, and achieving goals with family - all through karate!
Re: If your kids are in Karate/Marial Arts
DS's class is for kids age 4-6. They rotate between two different instructors, with a third jumping in every once in a while. (There is only one instructor at a time.)
His class is very small -- there are usually only three kids counting him, although every once in a while it goes up to 6 or 7 if there are kids doing make-up classes.
Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
there are three 5 year olds in his class and one instructor, sometimes an older kid or two will come in and help if they are working on different skills. I think a 4th kid will be joining next week.
before we moved to this place, he had 40 kids in his class ages 4-13 all different belt colors and one head instructor with about 5 assistants, it was nuts, totally nuts.
So our karate academy has its classes broken down by Levels that have 4 belts in each level. We have three main instructors, and then LOTS of assistants. It just kinda depends on who shows up that day and then they break us down... usually by age group - Little Ninja's (3-5), kids (6-12), and big kids (13 - adults). Sometimes we are all together in one group, but most of the time we are in smaller groups of anywhere from 2 students to 7 students per instructor. Some days it is chaos, and some days it is mellow. We are a small school so we all just stick together and help any way that we can. However, if I felt my son's instruction was somehow lacking, I would have NO issue with saying something. If you are concerned, I would suggest talking to the Master - maybe they can have a session for your child, just one-on-one with an instructor?
Good luck!