Attachment Parenting

Summer babywearing

I have a Beco Gemini that I got when my son was about 9 months and we love it. I would love a wrap (looking at the Moby) to use with my second during the newborn months. But since baby's due at the end of June, I'm wondering if the summer Georgia heat will make it impossible to enjoy a wrap. Any suggestions for newborn babywearing in the summer?


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Re: Summer babywearing

  • I love my linen blend wraps and ring slings for the summer heat!
  • I am getting a Vatanai for this summer:

    I find the Moby hot and cumbersome now and would be sweating buckets if I used it in the summer.  

    Lilypie - (ZESJ)Lilypie - (QAi1)

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  • I live in Houston so I can sypmathize with the heat however it gets so hot here that most of the time, people stay indoors in the air conditioning and I think they overcompensate and it gets pretty cold indoors. Personally, I plan to use a few difference carriers and am looking forward to the moby for cooler, indoor temps. :)
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • My DD was born last July and the Moby was way to hot to use until the weather cooled down in the fall. I ended up getting a ring sling and carried her in that constantly. The fabric was a summer wool, but I think linen would be nice, or a cotton linen blend.
    Ruby Mirabelle born July 9 at 10:56pm!
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    Married 05/30/09 & TTC ever since Clomid only for 5 cycles IUI #1: 06/07/10 BFN IUI#2: 08/19/10 BFN IVF #1 started 10/07/10, ER 10/17/10 6 retrieved/6 fertilized, ET on day 5 10/22/10... Beta #1 on 11/5/10: 680!!!, Beta #2 on 11/8/10: 2337!!!, U/S 11/18/10 Got to see the tiny beating heart! What a blessing! 12/2/10 U/S HB 176 & I'm released! Anniversary
  • definitely a linen or cotton ring sling. Moby is so hot. A pouch would be a good summer carrier too
    Melissa-SuperWAHM to 3 little princesses and 1 angel prince maker of Kinderpack SSC and Kindercarry MT
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