
"You are so tiny for carrying twins!"- duplicate ignore

I've been hearing this a lot. I'm coming up on 18 weeks, should I be ginormous? Its starting to make me worry. So far I've gained only 5 lbs and my doc says gain more, but she wasn't that concerned. We saw the babies about two weeks ago and they seemed fine, now i can't wait for the ultrasound with the mfm to make sure all is ok. Anyone hear this phrase much?


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Re: "You are so tiny for carrying twins!"- duplicate ignore

  • My 'baby belly' went from barely there to huge like over night. It was so weird! They are having a growth spurt or something. This happened at about 18 weeks .. and they just keep growing. I feel massive!!! Yours will get 'big' when you need to. I have only gained 2 lbs. Well according to my last ob visit which was almost 2 weeks ago. At that same visit I was measuring 25 weeks. (tape measure thingy)  I will actually be 21 weeks on sunday.
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  • i delivered at 35w5d and gaine 19-20.  started at 126 at 5'7.  babies were 4lbs10oz and 5lb9oz at birth which were decent sizes for their gestations.

    the whole weight thing with twins is different for everyone.  i did go from not showing at 14 weeks to really showing at 16 was weird.

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