Eco-Friendly Family

At what age did you....

  • introduce TV..and what did you watch?
  • have a a homemade snickerdoodle or chocolate chip cookie?
  • introduce them to the dentist?
  • let them have candy? (this momma is dying to try to make some Easter basket looking cookies with jelly beans on top)

Just curious as to what the moms on this page have done as far as some (odd or personal choice related) milestones.... 

Re: At what age did you....

  • Our son still doesn't watch TV on a regular basis, but the first time he watched it was while he was in the ER. He was about 16 months old. I don't remember what we put on. The only time we really let him watch TV is when he's sick or in the ER.

    He had a cookie sometime around age 2. I'm not sure exactly when.

    He went to the dentist with me when he was about 26 months, although he was just there to observe during my dental appointment.

    The only candy we give him is extreme dark chocolate (more than 72% cacao). He started having that around age 2, too.

    • introduce TV..and what did you watch?
    I don't know the exact age, but after 14 months.  It's not a regular thing but it's a lifesaver when Joy is being particularly difficult and I start to get frustrated and need a breather.  I'd rather have her watch a little TV than me get frustrated at her for being a toddler.
    • have a a homemade snickerdoodle or chocolate chip cookie?
    17 months, I think?  She did have a homemade cupcake on her birthday and had a cookie (or two) when I did a cookie exchange.
    • introduce them to the dentist?
    One year.
    • let them have candy? (this momma is dying to try to make some Easter basket looking cookies with jelly beans on top)
    I'm no help, candy is a big no-no for her.  Can you put dried fruit on top instead?

    however long the night, dawn will break.


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  • imagelaineybix:
    • introduce TV..and what did you watch? Can't remember, but she doesn't watch much. I like the Sprout channel. I pay attention WAY more than she does. (She is only interested in the songs. Otherwise, she's playing by herself or with me on the floor.) We listen to music way more than we watch TV. She is nearly 18 months
    • have a a homemade snickerdoodle or chocolate chip cookie? At Christmastime, she had two bites of a sugar cookie. So 14 months.
    • introduce them to the dentist? Our pedi said at age 2, so she's got a little over 6 months until then. She did have cake three times (her bday party - hated it, her actual bday - loved it and on her daddy's bday. Had ice cream twice. All at 12 months)
    • let them have candy? (this momma is dying to try to make some Easter basket looking cookies with jelly beans on top) Still haven't and won't for quite awhile.

    Just curious as to what the moms on this page have done as far as some (odd or personal choice related) milestones.... 

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  • We just got him his first movie two weeks ago so he can watch his dumbo.  he saw it at a friends a few months ago and has wanted it.  other then that he likes the news with me

    I'm sure he had cookies very young under a year I like cookies so we have them around a lot

    We can't go to the dentist yet they will not see children under 4 unless they have a tooth ach it's dum but I have tried to make appointments they will not take him

    Ah we went trick or treating at 14 months and he got to eat some of that candy

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    Told IVF is the only option and have not found a clinic that will take me.

  • I'll preface by saying that the only age I'm positive about is when my boys went to the dentist since we have records for that :) And DS2 seems to experience everything earlier than DS1 did, partially because he wants whatever his brother has and we let him.

    DS1 started watching TV around 18 months - we watched Caillou and Bob the Builder. We tried Sesame Street around 2 but he wasn't interested in anything but cartoons. He's watched 2 movies so far and even at age 3, an hour of TV is too much for him so we just don't watch movies together yet. DS2 started watching TV around 15 months or so - Caillou, Bob the Builder, Fireman Sam. I am one of those horrible moms that puts her kids in front of the TV in the morning if DH is not at home so I can take a quick shower :)

    DS1 was around 2 and DS2 around 14 months when they had cookies - right around Christmas.

    They went to the dentist by their first birthday and every 6 months since.

    DS1 gets candy on very rare occasions - Halloween and birthday parties. I think he was 2.5 when he had candy, maybe earlier. DS2 hasn't had candy to my knowledge. We just don't have any candy at the house. Unless we count chocolate - then they both had chocolate around 18 months, or sometime between 14 and 18 months.

    2007 BFP#1 MMC 12w; 2008 BFP#2 DS1; 2010 BFP#3 DS2; 2011 TTC; 2013 Pursuing DIA
  • DS watches about 5-20 minutes of tv twice a week, when I file his nails.  It is the only way he will sit still long enough.  Usually it is bubble guppies on the internet, with no commercials, because we don't have cable.  If he is interested and sits in my lap and cuddles after, he can watch until the end of the show, but typically he is up and ready to go play again as soon as I'm done filing.

    He has not been to or met the dentist- but he is only almost 14 months and has 8 teeth.  

    I'm pretty sure he had some bites of a cookie on his first birthday, and he eats organic crackers as snacks, but no cookies on a regular basis.

    He hasn't ever had candy, but he still isn't super into solids.  I think H snuck him a bite of a brownie when we were out to dinner the other night, and he liked it, but that's the closest he's had to candy. 

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  • introduce TV..and what did you watch? 
    She started watching TV around 15 months. We were taking a plane trip and downloaded the Lion King on the iPad for her to watch during the flight. She was hooked, so she watches it a few times a week in chunks. Usually when we wake up and are making coffee, before the coffee kicks in and we are dead to the world. Sometimes when we are making dinner. We've also downloaded the Winnie the Pooh movie and she likes that. (I say we because DH is a SAHD, so it's either him or me)

    have a a homemade snickerdoodle or chocolate chip cookie?

    around a year. I blame DH for this. We get Newman's alphabet cookies or the chocolate chip ones. We also make cookies a lot - she is dairy free, so we make "jumble cookies" with dried fruit, oatmeal, flax seed, and nuts. I tell myself that they are healthy so it's ok. 

    introduce them to the dentist?

    not yet. I would like to at 2, but having trouble finding one around here. 

    let them have candy? (this momma is dying to try to make some Easter basket looking cookies with jelly beans on top) 

    She has a dum-dum when DH goes to the bank. No other "candy" that I know about but he girl LOVES chocolate. So much so that we can't keep it in the house. We have given her dairy free dark chocolate.  


    wow - I'm an awful parent. ;) My motto is everything in moderation though, so there you go. 


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • imagelaineybix:
    • introduce TV..and what did you watch? None. She's 20 mos.
    • have a a homemade snickerdoodle or chocolate chip cookie? None so far. She does have homemade granola bars, though.
    • introduce them to the dentist? Meh, maybe 3?
    • let them have candy? (this momma is dying to try to make some Easter basket looking cookies with jelly beans on top) None so far. Maybe when she's 3 and knows what it is.

    But who cares what anybody else does, just go with your gut.

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    • introduce TV..and what did you watch?
    We don't have a Tv, but I put on Pocoyo [7 min YouTube clip] when I gave him his first haircut on Monday.
    • have a a homemade snickerdoodle or chocolate chip cookie?
    I'll give him bits and pieces every now and then.. maybe 3 bites ever? Just no chocolate or extra sugar on top. This was around 13-14 m.
    • introduce them to the dentist?
    We're still looking into them.
    • let them have candy? (this momma is dying to try to make some Easter basket looking cookies with jelly beans on top)
    Never. Dried dates are considered treats for him. But so is roasted seaweed. lol

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