Baby Names

Need your help for a middle name and a fast approaching due date

I didn't think that we would be one of those couples this far along that does not have a full name yet for their baby, so I need your help in picking a middle name for our son! William is the first name and our last name rhymes with Gail. I want something a little unique since William is so popular, but no weird spellings or anything like that. To give you an idea for my style, I really liked William Holden, but DH didn't want it because it was a famous actor's name in the 50's and he didn't want people to think we were naming DS after him. TIA for any ideas!!!
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Re: Need your help for a middle name and a fast approaching due date

  • William Dashiell

    William Spencer

    William Simon

    William Alexander

    William Heathcliff

    William Aldous

    William Finnigan

    William Tanner

    William Rhys

    William Tyler

    William Nolan


  • imageFrecklesInside:

    William Dashiell

    William Spencer

    William Simon

    William Alexander

    William Heathcliff

    William Aldous

    William Finnigan

    William Tanner

    William Rhys

    William Tyler

    William Nolan


    Thanks! Nolan and Rhys were both on our list right now too! I'm gonna send all of your guys' suggestions over to DH!

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  • If my sister had been a boy she would have been William Charles.  I think that works well.  Or William Ryan.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Oct Angel Babies
  • I like PP's suggestion of Spencer.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Hooray for William! :-)

    Love the William Spencer suggestion. William Arthur, William Heath, William Jude, William Lennon, William Harrison, William Marcus, William Zachary, William Noah, William Declan.

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  • William Andrew
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