Houston Babies

Am I Being Paranoid???

Until recently we had planned to stay here for Christmas.  Now I am thinking about going to Boston for the holiday as I really want my family to meet Chase.  I am however concerned about flying with a 4 month old during flu season.  I know that there are higher risks of complications in the flu such as pneumonia in little ones under 6 months and the thought of him becoming seriously ill just freaks me out.

Am I being overly paranoid or just a concerned new mommy? 

Re: Am I Being Paranoid???

  • you're just concerned! it's natural to worry and always want to do what is right for your baby. i totally understand.

    with that said, i would go. we flew with Truitt when he was 5 mos and it was fine. it's like eating in a new car- you just need to bite the bullet. ;-)

  • imagerayskit10:
      it's like eating in a new car- you just need to bite the bullet. ;-)

    LOL.  We've already made the no eating in the nw car rule.  We'll see how long it lasts.

    We're flying with Cameron for Christmas and he'll be 3 months.  Hopefully no one will be hacking up a lung on the flight. 

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  • Just a concerned Mommy :)

    Fly while they are young.  It is much easier.

  • What you're feeling is natural.  Talk to his pedi and see what he/she things.  I flew with Amelia at 3 months (still cold and flu season) and she was fine. 


  • wear him in a sling if you do decide to go - it won't stop germs (obvs) but it will keep him a little more protected and away from the general public
  • Thanks girls.  I booked the flight today! 
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