Cloth Diapering

Sigh. Feeling sad and a little bitter.

I CD'd my older son. I was planning on CDing my 6 week old daughter, but DH isn't really on board - he's worried about the laundry, breathability etc. I ordered a bunch of BG 4.0s to show him how easy it can be, but I'm kind of worried that I can do it, but not all by myself. He will actually be home with DD and I am going back to work, so I feel like he needs to be on board with helping out with the laundry routine too. Part of me says to try and pick my battles, but it makes me sad. Sposies are a PItA, dd keeps blowing out of them, and I keep looking at this box of BG dipes and the rest of my cd supplies and feeling sad and a little bitter. Help me figure out how to attack this - should I just let it go?

Re: Sigh. Feeling sad and a little bitter.

  • Would your DH be willing to give it a trial run for a week or two?  Maybe if he uses them you could be the one in charge of washing them (at least for a while until he gets on board?).  Or maybe break the numbers/cost savings down to him?  

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  • Have you expressed this to your DH? If you really feel that strongly about using CDs then perhaps you can convince him to at least try them. I know my family was very nervous about the concept until they actually used them. Maybe try to use diapers that are very easy for him to use - aplix, pre-stuffed pockets or AIOs. If he's really against it then maybe you can compromise that he can use sposies when he's with the baby and you use CDs when you are around. Then he can deal with the blowouts! Also you can probaby set up a schedule where you do the CD laundry when you are home a few times/week if he's totally against helpin with laundry. Hope you can reach some comprimise!
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  • I agree with both PPs.  It would be such a shame not to!  Especially if you already have what you need.  GL!
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  • When I started DH was not one board at all. He said I would have to change and wash all diapers. I said fine...

    This weekend he spent hours trying to install a diaper sprayer for me (we had a plastic fitting so it turned into a bigger fiasco. 

    He changes diapers more than I do and has even begun washing them. 

    His favorite part about Cloth Diapers...when A wakes up in the morning we can get him up and feed him first and then change him and not have to smell a stinky diaper.

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  • I'm not sure what you can do with a man who thinks plastic breaths better than cloth. :op

    Just start doing it. Laundry isn't all that bad, and when he sees you're doing it he should start helping out too.

  • Agree with pp - show him some stats on cloth vs disposables for cost as well as breathability. And honestly, laundry is not such a PITA, we both work full time and the CD laundry is pretty much my responsibility. It really isn't a big deal, so if you're hellbent on it, I'd say go ahead and do it, if the laundry issue is the only thing holding you back. 

    A week long trial sounds like a good compromise too, seeing as you already have the CDs. 

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  • I agree with the poster who said keep it simple- my DH originally was reluctant but agreed as long as I only used AIO's. LO isn't even here yet (3 more months!) and he is slowly starting to accept the possibility of using other types of diapers.  First it was pockets, now we're at he'd willing to use prefolds! (which about a month ago he looked at some I had on the table for making burp rags and said "we will NOT be using those under any circumstances."  I think once he actually learns a little about them, he'll be fine. 
  • Don't just let it go! My mean side says that if he's against CD, you be against disposable: "DD blew out again? Looks like you'll have to change her outfit again. Don't forget to put her clothes in the laundry!" Make him remember to constantly get/order the sposies too.

    My LO is in daycare (where she's in disposables unfortunately) and they send a log home. Last week, LO blew out of her sposies 2x a day, each involving an outfit change. HOW is that less work? I also bought a case of diapers since that's the cheapest way to go. That worked for a week and now she's in the next size up. There's $20 down the drain (or I can keep using them and she can keep leaking...choices, choices).

    Also, in terms of breatheability, I know tokenhoser put up a youtube demonstrating this well--maybe a week or two ago?

    I think if you have easy diapers and a simple wash routine, DH should get on board. After all, CD means less emptying of the diaper genie to the trash!

  • I was in the same situation.  My husband was going to be home with our son all day and I was going to be at work.  He didn't want CDs I did.  In the end he tried cloth when our son was new, it didn't work for him, we had lots of leaking issues in the beginning, and I had to let it go.  Now I'm home our son is bigger and we are in CDs and husband is fine with it.  

    Not sure what to tell you, but if it doesn't work for him.  He's the one home all day and if he wants to deal with the blow outs to be able to use disposable then I guess that's his prerogative.  Hopefully, if he gives it a week and sees how easy it is then he'll change his mind. I do agree with everyone else on the Keep it simple!

  • Thanks ladies - I appreciate the advice!!

    Pixy - seriously.  

  • My DH wasn't on board either, so I just kept doing them myself and he'd use disposable.

    Just last week he started using the cloth ones. To my suprise he likes the flips better than my AIOs or pockets. I asked him why the change and he said 1) he knows I prefer them and he wants to make me happy (apparently he didn't want to make me happy 4 months ago, lol), 2) He doesn't like the ring the disposables leave on her thighs-switching between the different kinds of cloth makes sense so she doesn't get a ring in the same spot 3) I get to spend and extra $20 on whatever I want because that's how much I save with cloth diapers, and he'd like to save more too.

    He still doesn't like that they make her butt look uncomfortably big, he thinks it adds to my workload, and he still uses dispoable now and then, especially if his favorites aren't available, he gets confused on some other types. But, all in all, he's coming around!

    Be patient! Good luck.

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