I've been subbing at a local school now for about a year, I started in the elementary and now I'm in the high school. I recently met a high school student who informed me that I had subbed for her sister.
Their names, Essyence and Ebonique. They apparently have a younger sister also, but I haven't asked her name.
I've also been babysitting for a couple of little boys lately, Davison and Harrison. While not the worst names in the world I keep getting confused and calling them by each others names because they both end with son. Maybe I should start calling them Davy and Harry instead.
P.S. I haven't been on the board for a few months and I looked for the name horror thread, but didn't see it. Sorry if there was one and I missed it.
Re: 2 "Fun" Sib Sets
Nancy James 9.1.12
Calvin Donald 8.27.14
Could be worse, in my highschool there were several sets of twins with matchy-matchy names [I HATE matchy names, lol]
Jessica and Joselyn
Jessica and Jenaya
Dee-dee and Dixie
Alva and Alvin
Martin and Martina
John-Luke and John-Mark
Lola and Lilah
Klink and Kerk
Kevin and Devin
Corey and Rorey
and there was one family that named their two boys 'Jersey Swayde' and 'Corrderoy Blue'
THIS 1000000000%
My cousins names:
Ransom, Tahj, Race, Torrant, Reo.
Ransom Elijah after the founder of Oldsmobile, Tahj Rally, like a race rally, Race, obvious, Torrant, after a car, and Reo after REO Speedwagon.
They said if they had a girl, they'd name her Baja, after the Baja 500.
They obviously were never teased as children.
There are no words...
BFP 06/25/17 | EDD 02/24/18 | DS2 02/19/18
haha, yea! there was a student in my school named Kalinka...
I was wondering, when I first heard the name, did they name her after listening to something metal fall down the stairs???