We plan to use flips most of the time, but a friend introduced me to some cute pocket diapers. I ordered 2 just to try out, but if I like them then I may add more to my stash for when we are out and about and don't want to mess with the inserts in flips.
My question to you is how many pockets would I need if I were to put him in them all day? He's currently a frequent wetter, but I don't know if that typically spaces out as babies get older or if they continue to wet every couple hours. Also, prefolds work as inserts in pockets too, right?
Re: How many pockets?
If you were exclusively using pockets; you would probably be going through like 10-12 a day or so right now. The same amount of diaper changes you would be doing with any other diaper style
It definitely spaces out, by a year old my son was only going through 6 a day.
Yes, prefolds are great for stuffing pockets.
I only use my pockets at night. I love the idea of them but just really don't like the stuffing process. I have 6 in my stash for night time use.
I change every 2 hours during the day and go through about 10 diapers a day. So, I would think you need just about 20 for a wash every 2 days.