and with my DD i picked her name the day i found out she was a girl and announced it with the gender...and i wanna do the same this time. start the process of calling this baby by a name not just "baby" or "little one"
Ok so we just agreed last week for a girl to: MILA VALENTINE
and for a boy we decided yesterday on: MAX CONRAD
thoughts? suggestions? mn help with max? i think we're pretty set on our girl name..but boy name im not as sure...
we have a DD named Lucy Luxx. so we'd discussed Mila Mae. and up until like 2 days ago we were gonna do Maximilian and just opted to shorten it...
Re: i find out the gender tomorrow
I love Mila, but I am not crazy about Valentine as the middle name. Max is cute, but I'm not a fan of Conrad.
If you love them though, go for it Don't let an internet stranger convince you otherwise. Congrats!
Chemical Pregnancy
I think Mila Valentine is just gorgeous. Seriously one of the best names I've seen on here in a long time. I would absolutely go with Valentine over Mae. It's perfect.
Max Conrad is great too. I like Max by itself better than any of it's long names.
I like Valentine for the MN; Mila is fine, but nms.
Max Conrad sounds a little truncated. I love Maximilian Conrad! I was going to suggest Maxwell, but like your choice of Maximilian better.
I love Mila Valentine. I prefer Maxwell with Max as a NN. I also like Malcom with Max as a NN. Conrad is NMS but it sounds like a family name, maybe?
But... your screen name is the best of all! Genius! I also think that Mila Valentine and Lucy Luxx sound good together, like bad ass comic book super queens.
I really like them both. I like Max better than Maximilian.
Nice names !
I actually love Mila Valentine! How adorable!
Also, I prefer Max to Maximillian. I think the short form works better with Lucy. Lucy and Max is a really cute sib set. And Max Conrad works well. Honestly, we like the name Max, but we could never find a middle name that worked well with it that we really like, except Max Alexander.
Thanks so much for the input ladies! yeah i think mila valentine is a keeper and max in the short form over the more formal long versions.
but the middle name for max is tripping us up. haha! conrad isn't a family name it's just a name i like that was rare-ish...