
What's your "bad habit" with your kids?

I posted below about TV before school. It's become a bad habit because it's effecting our ability to get out the door on time without stress. 

What's your bad habit with your kids? In my case, it just kind of evolved, and lately I realize I need to change it, but it's going to be a PITA. 

Re: What's your "bad habit" with your kids?

  • I let my kids stay up too late. Sometimes there is no getting around it, like last night we didn't get home until 7 and then bath at 7:45 story and bed at 8:30. 
  • Mine play with our iPad way too much. 
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  • I think I let them watch too much TV.  My older DS also plays with my laptop, but he's using it to watch You Tube videos (Phineas and Ferb, Muppets, etc.) so it is just like he's watching TV.
  • Lots of short order cooking in my house... Getting them to eat an "adult" meal is such a chore that most nights, I don't even bother trying.
    When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us? ~Pam Brown
    Big Girl 2.7.06 ~ Baby Girl 9.2.07
  • Buying a special afternoon snack every day. Yesterday he almost killed me since I forgot his snack.
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  • Tv and electronics. As well as not making her eat what we eat when it's soups, chilis, things like that.  I did break the tv in the morning habit.lnow she has to be fed, dressed, teeth brushed and she can watch while I do her hair and get the baby changed
    Kelly- Mom to Katelyn Rose and Ella Ann Formerly MichBride2004 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • too much TV, esp eating a snack in front of the TV. When I get home I make dinner and turn on the TV so I can get dinner done. Now that it is getting nicer out, I try to get her outside 
    Matt and Krystal 9-18-05
    DD 1/29/07 -

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  • imageDavid'sgirl:
    Buying a special afternoon snack every day. Yesterday he almost killed me since I forgot his snack.

    I did that for 2 years, somehow this year he sort of forgot.

    Mine is too much tv/iPod 

    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • We did this w/ DD when she was about your DD's age. My DD refused to eat anything, not an exaggeration. The only time we could get her to eat was when she was watching TV. She totally outgrew it and it's a treat to watch a show with dinner, which we do probably 1x a week.

    I have a ton of parent bad habits. I'd say getting to bed late. I just can't fathom putting my kids to bed at 7 pm. They are early risers anyway, but she's never in bed before 8:30; she gets up around 6:30-7. 7 am is a late morning for us. : (

    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • My bad habit is pretty much the same - they watch tv in the morning before school.  It's a pain to get them to leave the tv area to get them to brush their teeth and is making it more stressful to get out of the door in time.
    Ms. A  - 2007, Mr. C - 2009
  • too much tv and i make S what "she" wants not what I'm making me, DH and Margaux. she is a pasta addict and a self-proclaimed vegetarian..the only meat she will eat in chicken nuggets.  she loves salads and hummus but this short order cook thing is getting OLD!
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • I got into the bad habit of letting my kids watch tv in their room before bed. It started as just a quick show but before I realized, I was allowing them to watch full feature length movies in bed resulting in them not settling down to sleep until close to 10 some nights. Luckily, I think I may have broken the habit. We've started just reading books in bed and now most nights they are settled down and asleep by 8:30.
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  • ZenyaZenya member

    TV for sure!  TV for them... computer for me.  We've done a 180 this week in getting out more and doing less screen time for all of us and it's already had a HUGE impact on everyone's behavior.  I have gotten irritated, sure but I haven't felt like losing my_shit at all (which is sadly, rare) and my 3 year old hasn't had any really epic tantrums.  

    I don't think TV was causing all that but I think us being disconnected so much, was.   And the exercise is having a big impact too.

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  • For sure its the TV, with letting him use my cell a close second. 
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  • I agree with watching too much TV, especially during dinner.

    I also tend to let DD1 stay up too late if she's playing nicely, which I always pay for with her poor behavior the next evening.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • Definitely too much TV. I try to get us out of the house just so they aren't watching TV all day.  We've had so much rain this winter sometimes it is just easier to keep it on. I mean, we can only do so many arts and crafts before they get sick of it.
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  • My bad habit hmmmm?. No I am a perfect parent! LOL!

    That?s not true... You all know? I think it?s getting to bed late. Due to this we all need to rush every morning to meet our timings.

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