
Formula Recommendations for Supplimenting Breast Milk


 My twins were born premature at 32 weeks.  I am breastfeeding, but suppliment with formula and Blake and Clarke are growing great. 

I am waiting on a call back from my pedi, but can any of the former premie moms recommend what formula you used for your little ones when they hit the 3 month mark.


Re: Formula Recommendations for Supplimenting Breast Milk

  • Mine were born at 33w4d.  We used Enfamil AR because one/both had reflux at one point and then Neosure. 

     At 10 months, one is still on Neosure and one switched to Similac Advanced.

    I mixed all 3 formulas with BM / used while BF.

    TTC #1 for over 5 years - too many to count IF treatments (tried everything and anything), repeat miscarriages. Finally, Sticky Success!! B/G Twins arrived 2011. VOTE on my Name List Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • All of my girls were on Neosure from birth to 6-9 months (they all came off it at different times), and then started on Similac Advance.

    Mine were on formula only though.

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  • We switched from EBF to Gerber gentle (orange and white can) without any problems. I mixed 50/50 for awhile and then eventually went to all formula. I really don't even think they noticed the switch!
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