
Vag. Delivery Q

For those that delivered vaginally - was it suggested that you should have an epideral?  Did you have one?

My OBGYN brought this up at my first appt.  He said that he encourages women giving birth to mutiples to consider an epidural - even if it is a low does.  His reasoning is that often the second child requries 'help', which can significantly intensify an already very painful situation.

I am leaning towards having the epidural catheter inserted during the early stages of labour in case an emergency C-section is required, but would still like to think I can do it med-free if vaginal delivery is an option...  Am I crazy??

ETA: Clarity.

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Re: Vag. Delivery Q

  • I haven't delivered yet, but I'm a good candidate for a vag delivery. I don't think you're crazy if you're a good candidate. My Baby A is head down and B breech, and my OB is completely willing to let me deliver like this. I asked him about meds knowing that an extraction is very possible and he said it's not as painful as it sounds, and he was kind of encouraging me to go med free again. I think every labor and woman is different. I'll have an IV in case B needs a c-sec, and I'm also not going into this situation opposed to meds like I was with my first.
  • I delivered vaginally at 33 weeks, and had the epidural. It was never really discussed with my OB because I was pretty upfront about wanting one ASAP.

    I guess I would've been a good candidate for not having one because both babies were head down the whole time and only 4 lbs. each, so I think I was considered pretty low risk (as far as twins go). They popped right out...5 min. apart.

    I was on hospital bed rest with Mag, etc. for a week, so I was pretty tired by the time I was really ready to push. I had already had a miserable week in pain, so I'm not sure I would've had the strength to push them both out if I was in severe pain at the same time (well, if I had to, I would, but I don't see the point of feeling the pain).

    I think it's at least worth getting the catheter since you may have some difficulties. That way, you'll be ready and already open to the idea. However, a lot of people think if you do something along those lines, you're more likely to "cave" and get the epidural.

    Just go with what you want, but I would think you'd have to want it pretty bad to go natural (and each their own, but I just see the appeal!).

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  • Since baby B was breech, they strongly urged me to have one. It sounded like the doctor wasn't comfortable doing a breech extraction of B if I didn't have one and i would prefer an epidural over a csection so I agreed. It turned out to be a good decision because b stayed breech. When the doctor pulled him out his head got stuck on my closing cervix. I also lost a lot of blood so she had to reach in my uterus and scrape clots out while pressing on my tummy. Even with the epidural, it hurt like hell....


    Fraternal twin boys born 1/12/12 at 36 weeks
    Identical twin girls expected in March! 
  • My doctor didn't push an epidural, but I opted for it because if an emergency c-sec was required they would have to put me under without it.  I didn't want to risk not being awake for their birth.  I delivered both vaginally; baby b came out 40 minutes after a.  She had turned face up and was very difficult to push through.  They had to use the suction to assist.  I can't imagine going through both births with no epidural.  One maybe, but not two!  
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I had my older children med free which I mentioned to my OB and she said they would never force a woman to do something against her will but they strongly recommended an epi for multiples should you have to move to a c-section.  They offered to place the catheter and not put in meds but I figured why would I go through the pain of the epi placement and not get meds?  

    I'm also in the camp of even with the epi it hurt like hell - I'm glad I did it and totally worth it but it definitely hurt. 

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  • I delivered both my girls vaginally, baby A was head down, baby B was breech.  I also agree with the previous posters that having a breech delivery with B was very painful, even with the epidural so I was glad I had it. Also, my epidural wore off midway through my labor and I couldn't get another for about 45 minutes and I've never felt so much pain. However, you may have better pain tolerance than me Smile
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  • I'm being "strongly encouraged" to get one if I can have a vag delivery so that there are more options w Baby B.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I delivered my vaginally. I had planned on having an epi all along, so they definitely didn't have to talk me into it. But I know they highly recommend it, because if something happens and you have to have an emergency c section, there won't be time to do an epi and they will have to put you under general anesthesia, so you will be unconscious when the babies are born. I personally would not want that. 
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  • I am going back and forth on an epi, I feel like even a small dose is a dose (I know this is dumb) and afraid I'll just want the epi if they do the trial dose. My OB said they can always do a spinal at the last minute and is rare they need to put a patient under general. I am actually going to discuss with the MFM to get his take before making decisions. However, even though I want a med free birth I think if B is breech I may just opt for a c/s because I feel like if I get an epi, it makes no sense to try (again I realize by rationale doesn't add up) and I don't want to labor for hours and then end up with one anyways.
    "Normal day, let me be aware of the treasured day you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart...let me hold you while I may."


    TTC #1- unexplained...lost left ovary 4/07 IUI #1 2/10/09-BFN IUI #2 3/5/09-BFN IVF # 1-BFP

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  • I would definitely get an epi. Knowing that baby B could flip as soon as A comes out, and then the doc might have to essentially cram his arm up your vag and move baby B---um...yeah. I didn't even give it a second guess.


  • My OB told me that I didn't have to get an epi if I didn't want one, and that it was highly unlikely that they wouldn't have time to do a spinal block if I ended up needing an emergency c-section for baby B.  That being said, I asked for an epi at around 6 cm and was very glad I did because, although I delivered both girlvs vaginally, I had an abnormally long time between their births (4.5 hours).
  • I had a vag delivery and yes I was encouraged to get an epi. My OB is very pro-med free births normally, but for multiples she had many reasons why she thought meds were better. The main one was in case Baby B flipped after A was born. I didn't get an epi til late and it went fine.
  • I haven't done it yet, obviously, but I used hypnobirthing and delivered DS without meds/intervention and that's the plan for these two, as well.

    Here's what my OB and I have discussed:

    She's fine with me delivering vaginally as long as A is vertex. If B is breech, she might turn on her own after A is out, or my OB is willing to do a breech extraction. We had a frank discussion about what that means in terms of pain without an epidural and her attitude was that I could totally do it. As she said, you're already in "the zone", yes, it's uncomfortable, but it's not unbearable. She's very supportive of my desire to deliver without pain meds and there's been no mention that I should have an epi, just in case.

    I'm willing to take my chances and not get the epi solely for the "just in case of emergency with baby B" scenario. Even if there was an emergency, chances are good they could do a spinal and I wouldn't be under general anesthesia.

    Best of luck to you! You can totally do it!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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  • Thanks for sharing ladies! 
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  • I had a med-free vaginal delivery.  Baby A was head down and came out in a couple of pushes.  The Dr. then broke Baby B's waters, then pulled him out feet first.  A was 6 lbs 2 oz and B was 5 lbs 7 oz, so Baby A kind of "paved the way".

    The whole thing was terrifying.  I had a med-free delivery with my daughter, but it was looooong and I felt in control.  With the twins, from A's water breaking to delivery, it was less than 6 hours....and of actual contractions, maybe 2 hours.  Plus I was wheeled to the operating room and there was a team of people, so that wasn't too comforting.

    Baby A's delivery was painful.  I didn't find Baby B's delivery to be any more painful though.  I was lucky I had a Dr. who was comfortable with a breech extraction, though she did want me to have an epidural.  I thought about it, but my labor was so fast that there wasn't a chance!

    I'll never forget the anesthesiologist (who ended up doing nothing) sayig "I've never seen that before.  That was so cool!".  haha :)

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  • I had no interest in a med-free delivery at all. I had an epidural at 5cm dilated. Both my guys were "sunny-side up" and required ++ intervention with turning and forceps for delivery. After A was born my OB was literally elbows deep. I really wouldn't have wanted to be med-free at that point. The nurses actually topped up my epidural for that whole awesome-ness.

    All that being said, there are girls on the board who had successful med-free deliveries with their twins though. It's just not my bag.

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  • I have been debating on this too, thank you all for sharing your stories!
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  • My doctor pushed for the epidural. I'm glad he did. Both babies were head down but during the delivery of baby a, baby b flipped. Even with the epi, the intervention to flip b was quite uncomfortable. 

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