I'm a FTm here and I would like to give cd a try. I know from lurking that no one cd is the best for all babies. I was thinking that I would use disposables immediately after baby is born and then do a trial of cloth diapers to see which brand works best with my baby and my dh and I.
Have any of you tried the online cd trials? If so, who do you recommend and why? We are expecting a little girl.
Thanks for your insight
Re: Cd trial services
Another vote for Jillian's! Worked great for us. They have diapers selected for you, but you can request a specific diaper to try if they carry another kind that you'd like. We chose to keep some and had no trouble returning the others for a full refund, minus the $10 trial fee. GL!
I'm a FTM but ordered the newborn trial from jillian's. they arrived about 2 days after I ordered them and I am happy with what they sent. I can't wait to use them!
I hope that the newborn trial will let me see if I prefer prefolds or AIOs so when I buy my own I'll know