April 2012 Moms

Moms- What do you call your private parts to kids?

In our house, Its always been her "love" and his "pee pee" and then of course the hiney.  However once she turned 7, and started talking babies, we said to her "do you know what your love is ACTUALLY called? It has a super funny sounding name.. Its a Vagaina, and his pee pee is called a Penis".  this of course cracked her up, and she still giggles every time I say Vagina around her.  So what do you call private parts with your kids?


Re: Moms- What do you call your private parts to kids?

  • my god daughters call it a hoo-ha (i have no idea where that came from)  they are only 3 and 5. and boys have pee-pee's.
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  • For a while we had our 3 1/2 yr old son use the term pee-pee. But recently my DH had him saying penis. Zip it! Almost freaked me out when I heard him say the word. lolol Indifferent



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  • in english "pee pee" in Greek we say "poulaki" which means little bird actually
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  • imagebeth6287:
    my god daughters call it a hoo-ha (i have no idea where that came from)  they are only 3 and 5. and boys have pee-pee's.

    We also say hoo-ha and I hate it!  I wish I could just say vagina!  I want her to learn the right word!

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  • We use the correct names.  They went through a phase where they liked to use those words all the time, but are fortunately beyond that now. 
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • We use their official names (penis, scrotum, vagina, vulva, breasts, nipples , etc.) When my oldest was still in diapers, we referred to the whole area as her bottom, but that got difficult when she told us she was in pain, but had trouble telling us exactly where.
    Mom to little frog 8/07, Lucky Duck 5/10, & Little Lion 4/12
  • I wad told by a very smart lady that you should teach your kids the actual terms for their private parts so that (god forbid) they are ever molested, it won't get brushed off by them saying that someone touched their "love". When DS finds his peen, I say, "thats your penis" just like I would say, "thats your ear". My SIL freaked out when our 3 year old Bruce asked her if she had a vagina. She was completely appalled! I don't understand not wanting kids to know what body parts are called.
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  • In our house, we use "Penis", "Vagina" and "Hiney".  Once, one of the twins asked what the hole in his hiney was called specifically and I told him "anus".  None of them have started using that word though.

    It's cute when I tell my 4yo DS to go potty and he replies, "But there's no pee-pee in my penis!"

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  • We haven't actually thought of this one yet! I am thinking we'll be using proper names once baby is old enough, but I like the idea of starting with girl parts and boy parts.

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  • all of the correct terms.  Infact it bothers me how often people say vagina when trying to discuss any area of a womans labia.  My children knew what the vulva, vagina, anus, penis and scrotum are.   And yes as some one who teaches people not to be abused, it is super important that both children and adults know their body parts.  Teaching them false words institues fear of their own body parts and fosters secrect keeping leading to victimization.   Anyhoo enough preaching there, my favorite story was when I was potty training my son at 2 and his 4 year old sister came in and told him " NO, when you sit down to pee you have to point the penis down"  CRACKED me up.  I then had to tell her that I would handle helping her brother use the bathroom.
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  • DD knows it's called a vagina and she sometimes refers to it as her "gina" but we also call it her lady business. We haven't really had to address the male parts with her yet, but I'll tell her the real name when it comes up.
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  • We say penis and vagina.
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  • We've always used correct terms and names with DS, he has a penis and has always known that. Instead of butt and fart though we soften it a little and it is bum ( British?) and toot. I am personally not a fan of things like hoo ha and silly names like that. 
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  • We use the correct terms - always have. I don't understand giving silly names to them, to be honest.
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  • imagejkfranklin:
    I wad told by a very smart lady that you should teach your kids the actual terms for their private parts so that (god forbid) they are ever molested, it won't get brushed off by them saying that someone touched their "love". When DS finds his peen, I say, "thats your penis" just like I would say, "thats your ear". My SIL freaked out when our 3 year old Bruce asked her if she had a vagina. She was completely appalled! I don't understand not wanting kids to know what body parts are called.


    We use correct terms for everything for this reason exactly.  

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  • DD calls it ALL a "butt" front and back.


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  • DS says "weenie". He knows its his penis, but thinks its funny watching me cringe every time he refers to it as his weenie.

    Girl parts haven't really come up in conversation yet, but I'm sure it will soon. And he will learn the real name for that too (not that he will use it, but at least he'll know it).

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  • I don't know how or why, but her V is her "tooty" and her butt is her "booty". I would get a big ole side-eye at daycare or from friends if my 4 year old ever called her "parts" by the medical terms. People are extremely prudish in the South about this sort of thing. She's never seen her Daddy naked, but I am sure has seen a weiner or two at daycare.

    She has inspected mine thoroughly in the shower and always is confused by the hair. She thinks I am pooping out the front.... Indifferent

    DD#1 11.7.07 - DD#2 11.2.10 (3rd Tri Loss)- DD#3 4.18.12
  • Um we'll be calling them vaginas and penises from the start.


    I'd rather have a kid yell out "PENIS" in a store being silly than wee-wee or something.


    Also, my SIL has her daughters call it their "front butt" and that just seems anatomically confusing....

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  • This. I think it's important for them to know the real names. Not sure why people make names up for children.
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  • imagepensparade:

    DD calls it ALL a "butt" front and back.


    This but we say bum. 

    They may also say front bum & back bum. We do use the correct terms but my girls still refer to them as front bum & back bum (they came up with that on their own.) We have not had to talk about any boy parts yet, but we will use penis.

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  • We just say vagina. She hasn't really asked about boy parts yet, but I'm sure we will say penis. Plus she knows pee pee as peeing.



  • My stepson is 8 and just recently learned the real name for girl parts.  I had no idea that he didn't know it.  I try not to over-parent because I'm the stepmom (he does live with us full time tho) and he was showing  me a map of China and then said vagina.  I asked him if he knew what that meant and he said no.  I was like "well I can't pass this opportunity up" and told him what it was.  I also told him not to be embarassed that I told him, at least he won't say it around his friend without knowing what it is!!

    I call my 1 year old's parts a "peeper".  I will teach him the correct name when he can say it and understand.  I have no qualms about using the correct names for body parts.

    Although we do jokingly refer to the bottom as a dupa in our house.  It means butt in Polish.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker My birthson who came before I was ready. He doesn't call me mom but I love him just the same. ~7/10/99~
  • I call it by the actual name. I think it's safest/best to do this for many reasons.
  • I tell her it's her vagina. And the few times she asks about my chest they're mommy's breasts. It's how I was raised so what I'm used to, I tend to giggle at the slang terms.
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  • My daughter has always called boobs "chesties." It started because she knows that she has a chest and one day she started referring to breasts as chesties.  It's relatively correct and it just kinda stuck.  Her privates are called her "tee tee."  We don't all a penis anything but she did tell me the other day that she knows boys have a different tee tee.
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  • Girls: Lady Bits / Privates

    Boys : Man Parts/ Privates 

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  • We use the correct words. Although DD does often say "boops" because I think MIL said "boobs" early on.
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  • My girls (3 and 4) know the proper names but they call it a gina.  They just shortened the word because it is easier to say. 

    Funny story : I babysat a friends little boy for 2 weeks last fall so she could go to Cuba.  Her son is only a couple months older than my youngest.  The first night I put all three  of them in the bathtub together.  When I turned around to grab a towel off the counter my oldest says "Mommy, Cody is touching his tail".  LOL.  I explained to her what it was actually called.  They still call it a tail but if you ask them what it is actually called they say penis.... then giggle. lol

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  • imageTheBuddha:

    My stepson is 8 and just recently learned the real name for girl parts.  I had no idea that he didn't know it.  I try not to over-parent because I'm the stepmom (he does live with us full time tho) and he was showing  me a map of China and then said vagina.  I asked him if he knew what that meant and he said no.  I was like "well I can't pass this opportunity up" and told him what it was.  I also told him not to be embarassed that I told him, at least he won't say it around his friend without knowing what it is!!

    I call my 1 year old's parts a "peeper".  I will teach him the correct name when he can say it and understand.  I have no qualms about using the correct names for body parts.

    Although we do jokingly refer to the bottom as a dupa in our house.  It means butt in Polish.

    I use dupa too! Don't have any little ones yet but I'll probably use it with them too. My grandmother is 100% Polish.  

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  • My parents called it a po-po, and as weird as that was when I started hearing the police referred to as such, I will probably call it that too. lol. I remember learning the word vagina at a pretty young age, but we didn't go around calling it that.
  • imageDragonflyBelle:

    I don't know how or why, but her V is her "tooty" and her butt is her "booty". I would get a big ole side-eye at daycare or from friends if my 4 year old ever called her "parts" by the medical terms. People are extremely prudish in the South about this sort of thing. She's never seen her Daddy naked, but I am sure has seen a weiner or two at daycare.

    She has inspected mine thoroughly in the shower and always is confused by the hair. She thinks I am pooping out the front.... Indifferent

    this made me LOL.

    For our 3yo daughter I we say bottom or butt and we say "girl parts" or "boy parts" or in my case since in the bath she was confused why I had hair and she didn't  I told her I had "mommy parts" *plus you have to admit your girl parts are not looking like normal right now, right? ;) 

    We have recently used vagina and penis in conversation with her because she has been visiting a friend of mine that is potty training her son. DD is potty trained but she knows that Ben has to "poke down his penis" when he goes potty, and that she doesn't have a penis because she is a girl.

    Kids are smart. I agree with the proper name bit, but at the same time I think it is important that the kids are old enough to be able to say them and understand the difference. Maybe that comes at a different age for each child.  

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  • I talk about DD's vagina with her at every diaper change (especially this past weekend when she had rotavirus poo and it was like a yellow paste that I needed to get out of every crevice in her body!).  

    We also talk about her bummy because she has a mirror above her changing table and she loves to roll over and look at it!  

    And every night at bath time we talk about washing her vagina and bum (or bummy).  

    She also sees her dad naked every morning (all 3 of us get ready at the same time, we have a glass shower door).  We don't talk about his penis but I imagine when NewBaby gets here we will (since he will have one).  


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  • imageWaitingOn3:

    My girls (3 and 4) know the proper names but they call it a gina.  They just shortened the word because it is easier to say. 

    Funny story : I babysat a friends little boy for 2 weeks last fall so she could go to Cuba.  Her son is only a couple months older than my youngest.  The first night I put all three  of them in the bathtub together.  When I turned around to grab a towel off the counter my oldest says "Mommy, Cody is touching his tail".  LOL.  I explained to her what it was actually called.  They still call it a tail but if you ask them what it is actually called they say penis.... then giggle. lol

    LOL, that is hilarious! 

    This is our first but we plan to use the proper names. I don't think there's anything silly about them, and don't really see the point of not calling each part by what it actually is. I kind of think shying away from the terms puts a sense of embarrassment around the topic, which isn't something we want to do.  

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  • I''m a lot older than my sisters and they called lady part their hoo-hoo, but knew what a vagina was. My brother had a hard time saying penis and we ended up calling it his peanut.
  • We say vagina and bottom. When ds is born we will use penis, she hasn't been around many baby boys so we haven't had to teach her.
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  • We will use proper anatomical terms. Obviously he doesn't understand it, but I even do with DS when I'm changing him or talking to him explaining what I'm doing. I think silly names are telling them there's something to be embarrassed about with the real names. They don't learn different names for any other part of the body, so what's different about their genitals?
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