While the Flips were on their BOGO sale, I bought a few sets and planned on using these as covers over a prefold, instead of using the Flips insert. However, at the time, I really wasn't thinking that this might not work out too well for me.
Has anyone paired the Flip cover with a prefold? What fold works best? Is it better to put the prefold in the cover or to put the prefold on baby with a snappi and then put the Flip over as a cover? Also, do these work well for newborns or will I need to wait awhile?
TIA for the help!
Re: Flips and Prefolds
I've only been doing this for a few weeks and LO is a chunky 7 mo old.
The prefolds folded into thirds are SO bulky for us - I have a difficult time getting pants to fit. I can't imagine how much bulk it would add to a NB. Its a better fit with a snappi and seems to hold in waste better, but I still prefer the inserts for convenience.
I'm trying to be economical about it, so I'm buying the Funnibunz microfiber insert (about $1.50/each) and I just cut a piece of fleece to use on the top as a liner.
This is what I'm using: https://www.diapers.com/p/fuzzibunz-fb-insert-3-pack-66974