Hi all. Sorry but my FTM-ness will show bigtime in here.
My baby is 6months old. She has had eczema for most of her life thus far. Last night, she broke out in a hivey-type rash. It started on her upper arms, spread down them and to her torso, then to her legs and a tiny bit on her cheeks. It is not raised like her eczema, and there are a few little welty spots, but maybe 3 tops.
In the last week, she had greek yogurt twice (the first time being Sunday and no change after). She had broccoli for the 3rd time (this time prepared with a little minced garlic). Also, I have eaten a TON of strawberries (and had none from the time she was born until now). She is breastfed and always has been.
Is an allergy a possibility here? Does it sound plausible? She has NO other side effects--no fever, no change in behavior, still eating, wet/poopy diapers. She is still herself in every way. Sorry if this happens and people come in and ask questions that you have no answers to. I figured it was worth a shot to hear other people's stories.
Re: Clueless question
My daughter had eczema all the time while I was breastfeeding. It wasn't anything serious but it was annoying to the point where she would scratch a lot and it seemed to be irritating. We would put cream on her all the time. The pediatrician never asked me anything about what I was eating even though I was breastfeeding her. He said that it's common that babies can have eczema and dry skin especially when the weather is cold.
Then when she was around 7/8 months she ate some ice cream and had a reaction all around her mouth and on her arm, where ever it came in contact with her skin. We took this as a sign that she was allergic to milk. Sure enough once the dairy was removed and we had allergy tests done when she was 1, we found out she was allergic. The dairy was removed and her skin cleared up a ton.
It's possible that it could be an allergic reaction. The best you can do now is simply try and eliminate things one by one for a while and see how her skin does.
A pain, yes, but I am absolutely willing to do it! Where should I start? Dairy and soy?