Ok, I actually have no idea if this is common or not, buuuut I found it really strange that DD's new pediatrician ordered a lung x-ray for what turned out to be a standard cold. And that he ordered antibiotics for her as well. These are two firsts for us, and DD is 3.5.
I spent all last night panicking and frantically reading about pneumonia on line, then I got to the radiology clinic today and the waiting room was full to the brim with runny-nosed, coughing kids. A quick convo with one friend here revealed that it's pretty standard at the height of flu season to send sick kids for xrays and prescribe antibiotics.
I don't plan to write a book about this difference in the "French" way of raising kids, but I did feel like I needed to share it with someone.
ETA: DD's xray revealed her lungs were completely normal.
Re: On the French way of life for kids...
Consider just declining the x-ray in the future if you don't really think anything is wrong. Radiation is a lifetime dose thing, and I don't like throwing it in just because a doctor thinks it's fun (or more likely, an easy way to make a buck). The times I had pneumonia as a kid, it was pretty apparent that something was wrong.
And good grief to the antibiotics.
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I know. I should have trusted my mommy instinct on this one. But since I didn't know if it was a standard thing or if the doctor (whom I really couldn't "read," since it was the first time we were seeing him) had real reasons to be concerned, I went along with the xray and antibiotics. You live and you learn.
Oh, for sure. I didn't mean it as a "you did what?!", just as a "those doctors be crazy!".
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Ack! See my milk allergy question above. Everything comes full circle.
I can't speak for the whole country, or even the whole city, but the consensus among DH's co-workers (mix of French and non-French) is that French doctors prescribe antibiotics for everything, adults and children alike.
The opinions on the chest xray are divided. Some say it's totally normal, some say I should find a more up-to-date pedi. I am going the find-a-new-pedi route.