DD will be 4 months in about a week, and we have been having a little bit of a tough time breastfeeding. If she's not sleepy, she's so distracted - even if I take her into our room, shut the door, and dim the lights as much as possible. Is this something she will grow out of? Anything that worked really well for you and DC?
Also, we've been having some poop issues the last week. DD used to be an every day or at least every other day pooper, and her poop was always quite liquidy. Then, suddenly, she went over a week between poops. She was straining so hard yesterday morning, she made herself vomit. Pedi checked her out and couldn't find anything wrong with her. She gave DD a suppository, which helped her go, but her poop, while not solid, was definitely a more pasty consistency than usual. Anyone else have something similar happen? What did you do? (All I can come up with is giving DD prune juice, but so far she refuses to take it...) TIA!
Re: BFing an older baby
since about 3mths dd has been more distracted while bfing, and even more so recently. i am thinking about getting a nursing necklace in hopes that might help.
dd also is pooping less often and it is changing colors & texture a bit. nothing to be concerned about i don't think.
The 4 month period is so hard...they do get super distracted around that age. I found having a chunky necklace on that she could play with while eating kept her attention to my chest area. Look on Etsy for 'nursing necklaces' for some ideas...there are a ton on there.
It does get better though....going in a dark quiet room is usually your best bet when you can. Or nurse laying down, that's what I did a lot.
Their poop changes over time too. It gets to be almost a peanut butter consistency for awhile before you get to fun toddler poo once on 'real' food.
Ok. Breathe. What you are experiencing is TOTALLY normal, especially for a four month old.
At four months, babies are just starting to become keenly aware of their surroundings. When Ethan was four months, I had to pump constantly to keep my supply up because I swear he would go days without eating. Not really, but it felt like it, ya know? Unfortunatley, he made up for it at night. That is when he started reverse cycling, and we're still dealing with that. They will get their calories in, even if it is at night when all is quiet and dark.
So. Try and only feed her when she is sleepy, if you can. When she's first woken up or when she is getting ready to go down for a nap. Also, try a nursing necklace. Just something secure around your neck that baby can play with while nursing that keeps them focused on you and not everything else in the room. And keep remembering that its OK. Its just a phase. Ethan is almost 6 months now and back to nursing like a champ.
As far as the poops. That sounds totally normal to me. Well, I don't know about the straining part. But, Ethan pretty much only poops once a week at this point, and when he does, it has the consistency of peanut butter. Totally gross, but you know. Normal. I wouldn't give her any juice or anything. She is just fine.
I will definitely try a nursing necklace - thanks for the suggestion!
My main concern with the poop is that she just seemed so uncomfortable - she just wasn't my happy, playful baby the last few days. She just kept tensing up her tummy and fussing. It just didn't feel like it could be normal if she felt so uncomfortable, ya know? Here's hoping she's just adjusting to the change and doesn't have to go through that again...
I posted about this yesterday on the breastfeeding board. I'm having the same problem--he'll eat, but not for very long. I'll have to check out a nursing necklace, too.
Re the poop, DS hasn't had that happen yet. I have read that sometimes if you drink a cup of coffee, then nurse, it will help the baby go. I don't know how you feel about caffeine/coffee (I drink it, so it wouldn't bother me to try, but I know some people don't while nursing), but might be worth a shot.