My son started calling our baby girl bree bear several weeks into my pregnancy. We are trying to come up with a unique name and some how include "bree" spelt bri, bree or brie in it. We have 4 Aubreys and a Sabrina in our family so we are looking for something different. Can you help us with Bree names? Our last name is Dawdy (Rhymes with Naughty).
Re: Help us name our "Bree" Bear
Dang, I was going to suggest Sabrina, which has been really growing on me lately.
Gabrielle and Brianna come to mind.
this is such a pretty name!!!
My daughters middle name is Breaune (bree-ahn).
My first thought was Gabriella. That was on our name list for the longest time, but hubby and I agreed quickly to another name.
Good luck!
I love Cambria or Kambria. I also love Sabri (Prounounced Say-bree)