

How much "help" did you need? My MIL is constantly telling me to call her when for help and my FIL made a comment that "all hell is gonna break loose" when Dh goes back to work... DH has been back to work for almost 2 weeks now and I'm managing just fine! I was a nanny of four kids for 5 years so I'm sure that helps, and the babies are so mellow. The sleep inbetween feedings and hardly cry (unless we have reflux isasues with R). But other than that, I feel great. I'm not over tired, I find time to shower and even put on mascara most days. Am I nuts? These comments and "offerings" are kinda annoying...(although I know people mean well!)
Fraternal twin boys born 1/12/12 at 36 weeks
Identical twin girls expected in March! 

Re: "help"

  • I needed  more help with non-baby things, meals, mowing the lawn etc.  My In-laws were not helpful with that.  My parents - a godsend.  It will be nice when they get a little older and you want to get out of the house by yourself.
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  • My husband worked out of town M-F the first 6 weeks after our twins arrived. Everyone told me I was going to DIE but it was completely do-able (except when I got really sick with mastitis and a 104 degree fever.) Everyone kept wanting to help or offer help even when I didn't want it and my usual response was "don't worry, I'll need your help at some point and thank you so much for offering." And sometimes I did ask them to bring me dinner or wash bottles for me which gave me a few minutes rest and they enjoyed being able to help.

    All that being said, I think for us the 4-ish month stage was a tough one. They weren't napping as much, but weren't really able to play much either. 

    Good job managing it all so well and enjoying your time with your wee ones, hopefully it's always so easy for you! 

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  • I agree that around 4 or 5 months it got tougher. I think when they're preemies, they sleep a lot, so it's not as hard. When they come out of that, it gets more tiring, but still doable. Mine didn't sleep well for naps (great at night, but not during the day), so I felt like I never had more than a few min. to do anything. They weren't really able to do anything yet, and didn't even interact with each other yet.

    I would get aggervated (and still do) because everyone offers to help with my 4 year old, but I keep telling them, she's not the problem. It's the babies that wear me out! It would be nice to have someone stay with them, while I do something with her...or alone! So far, no one other than my mom, is willing to babysit 2 babies (even though they're already 14 months old and pretty easy).

    You will get to a point where you will want and need some help, if only to go to the grocery store alone. It's hard to go with 2 toddlers. I remember wanting to be alone with them in the beginning...but not so much now. HA!

    You may never feel like you need the help, but I think most people start to get a little rundown somewhere around the 6th month, so don't feel guilty if your feelings change. Just don't be afraid to ask for help, when and if you need it!

    I felt the same way. I enjoyed the challange and I was proud of myself for handling it so well. But now...I jump at the chance for someone to help out!

    Congrats on you babies! Glad to hear you are enjoying them!

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  • I didnt need much help at all.  I did enjoy the occasional help with laundry or food (my mom and MIL) but I just told them I would let them know when/if I needed the help, and it worked just fine.  My boys came home from the NICU on Friday and he went back to work that Monday, so I was on my own!


    Spontaneous Di/Di twin boys born at 34 weeks on 02/21/2011
    Baby #3 due January 2016
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • imagemegs_glo:
    I needed  more help with non-baby things, meals, mowing the lawn etc.  My In-laws were not helpful with that.  My parents - a godsend.  It will be nice when they get a little older and you want to get out of the house by yourself.

    Dear lord, Megs!  Your girls are adorable!  LOVE your siggy! 


    Spontaneous Di/Di twin boys born at 34 weeks on 02/21/2011
    Baby #3 due January 2016
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • I see your LOs are preemies.  My boys were little angels in the NICU and when they first came home.  They barely every cried or fussed.  Just slept and ate.  Right around their actual EDD then .... all hell broke loose!  They were colicky every evening without fail.  Screaming and fussing for hours until they wore themselves out.  We called it their "witching hour".  I could manage it by myself, but it was really difficult at times so I was happy to have evening help from my parents during the week and MH on the weekend.  That phase has passed for us thank goodness! Don't make your mind up just yet about it, things can and will change.  Not saying your babies are going to be colicky, but they typically "wake up" and become more demanding as they get older.
  • You ladies seem to have a better handle on things than I do.

    I swear some days I just cry along with them.  However I think it's more overwhelming for me because I know there is no one to help even if I really needed it. We live in Germany, and my family is all in the U.S., and my Mr.'s in France.  

    All in all I would say some days are easier, but there are most days I would love an hour or two to just do something for me...or he'll, just fold laundry without tiny fingers pulling them all over the floor!


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  • I think you are still in the 'honeymoon' phase! It will get harder as they get more active.  soon they won't be as sleepy and will get more demanding.  I actually really struggled from 7-9 months more than anything other time.  But if you are managing then don't let it bug you. But it might be nice to get out with one baby every now and then.  I love leaving one and taking one. So nice to have one on one time.
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  • Even if things do get hard, my inlaws are never allowed to be alone with them. I don't trust them. Sink or swnm for me! lol
    Fraternal twin boys born 1/12/12 at 36 weeks
    Identical twin girls expected in March! 
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