
What is this?!? I <3 it!

So we have been doing oatmeal or rice at dinner, but today I decided to try to add a second meal, even though I guess the DR said to wait a few more weeks... they just seem hungery.

Well I did and.... they both ate well and went down for a nap! This is the first time they have both taken a decent nap at the same time.  They have been a sleep for 1 hour! Usually our days are filled with little cat naps and different times so this is huge for me! I did laundry, the dishes, made dinner, and took the dogs out to play! I can't believe how nice it is to have 1 free hour to myself, even if I do chores the whole time :-)

I am hoping this continues!

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Re: What is this?!? I <3 it!

  • Nice, enjoy the quiet time.  Sometimes mommy instinct over powers doctors.
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