Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Question Re; Turning the carseat around

OK so DS is extremely tall 99th percentile for height in babies his age. So even with his butt pushed all the way back to the back of his car seat his legs almost reach the end his car seat.  I have been told you aren't supposed to turn the care seat around til they 1year and 20 pounds or if their feet are touching the seat behind the car seat.

Anyways Fenton is going to be to tall way before he reaches the one year and 20 pounds mark. 

Can I turn the car seat around before that?

WWYD?  I don't want him to be uncomfortable but at the same time his safety is of paramount concern to me.

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Re: Question Re; Turning the carseat around

  • Thats something we are dealing with now as well. She is 27 1/2 inches long and her feet almost touch the back of my car. I am hoping her new carseat allows more room for her. I would ask the pedi or call your carseat safety line.
  • NO!!!! The rear facing carseat is designed to absorb the shock in the case of a frontal crash. If you are in a frontal crash and the carseat is facing forward, you run the risk of having his head seperate from his spine. NOT WORTH IT!!!!! There have been videos (with crash test dummies) posted on here before showing what happens, and it makes me want to keep my baby in a rear facing carseat until he is 30.
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  • I assume he's in an infant seat now?  When he outgrows that, get a convertable seat and keep it rear-facing as long as possible.  The 1 year and 20 lb. rule is for their safety. 


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  • absolutely NOT!  it's even recommended to go beyond 1 year and 20lbs now. 

    yes, they kick the seat.  but if you got in an accident, i'd rather have a baby with a broken leg then a broken spine.

  • Nope, the law is a law for a reason.  Their legs can fold up, or be up on the seat a bit. 

    In a car accident, if it's bad enough, you want them rear facing...better to break a leg than a spine...

  • NO!!!!!! Keep him rear facing as LONG as possible. My DD just turned at 18 months. They can just cross their legs or put them up on the seat of the car.  It's SO much better to break a leg in an accident than have their spine stretched.

     Many states are now pushing for rear facing to extend until age 2.

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  • My daughter was off the charts for her height but that is not a reason to turn the car seat around before you are supposed to.
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