Has really got me thinking. So I measured DD today and holy cow she's 29inches! her car seat is a baby trend and goes to 30 inches. wow. so I'm realizing I should search for a bigger car seat or a convertible. what are your suggestions from what you may have... do you like your convertible ? What brand? etc.etc?
Re: all this car seat talk!
I posted something similar to this on another forum, DD is an inch from the top of her seat (this seat is outgrown when the head reaches the top or they are too heavy). Apparently at around 6 months or so their growth slows down so I'm hoping to get a few more months out of mine before getting a new one.
That being said I have no clue about car seats over in the states, all I know is to keep them rear facing
Car seats are outgrown when babys head is 1 inch from the top, DD has a tall torso so she outgrew hers before she was 29 inches which was the height limit on her seat.
Here's a link on how to measure properly to see if they've outgrown it. https://www.car-seat.org/showpost.php?p=278124&postcount=1
We switched when she was 5 months. I love the convertable one. We got the Evenflo Titan Elite.