
s/o tubal ???

I'm considering a tubal when we're done having kids, but I'm wondering if it affects your hormones. I am very sensitive to changes in my hormones and it usually leads to decreased sex drive. I do *not* want that to happen lol! Those of you who have a tubal, have you noticed decreased sex drive? If not, did you experience it with hormonal birth control?


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Re: s/o tubal ???

  • I had one just over 7 months ago and have noticed no changes.
    Mom to Alex - 8.29.06, Foster - 1.22.09, Emily - 6.24.11 imageimageLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I thinks it been better for my sex drive esp the week leading up to O...afterwards, eh

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  • imageshopgirl78:
    I thinks it been better for my sex drive esp the week leading up to O...afterwards, eh

    Awesome, thanks! When not on BC I have great sex drive leading up to O and I don't want to lose that lol!

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  • I haven't noticed any changes. If anything, it has increased more so than when I was on bcp. I will say that my period is a lil wacky now, but maybe its just me. 
  • I haven't noticed any hormonal changes, but I will tell you it's made my periods HELLA heavy the first couple days.
    Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
  • imagecooker71:
    I haven't noticed any hormonal changes, but I will tell you it's made my periods HELLA heavy the first couple days.

    Good to know. I've always had a heavy period and didn't notice a difference with paraguard, so hopefully that wouldn't be too much worse!

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  • I had mine almost 4 years ago (4 years next month) and have not noticed a change in my hormone level or my AF's. 
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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