Mon: How much of the Halloween candy have you eaten already?
Tues: What is the one thing you wish you could do but can't anymore b/c you are pregnant?
Wed: Will your multiples co-sleep?
Thurs: When do you plan to stop working?
Fri: Are you dressing up tonight for the trick-or-treaters? What is your costume?
If you would like to be added please post your: screen name,
name IRL due date,
type/gender of multiples
blog (if you have one)
and don't forget to answer the questions )
Re: MoM's to be Check In
My company got really squeezed for work in September and they asked me to leave - asked me to ask my Doctor to write me out of work and go on Maternity Leave. It was bad timing but at least I'm still employed: the following week they fired 3 of the 15 employees!
Now they are asking me to see if my Doctor will write me into Long Term Disability.... this s starting to take a financial toll on my family, but it's better than no income at all!
Aubrey & Anthony