Babies: 0 - 3 Months


BJ's now only sells the Similac with Early Shield, so we're switching over to that. I'm sure he'll be fine with it. I went on Tuesday and only paid $8 for a can. Smile

Re: MommaBrown

  • yeah, DH got the early shield the last time he went. Izzy has been fine with it - but i think other than the reflux, this kid is going to have an iron stomach.

    i need to get on the ball with those coupons though. But i am looking forward to solids just to save some money! I might join our local produce co-op so that I can get all my veggies and fruits at a discount and make my own food.?

  • I'm going to make mine. I keep putting off starting him though. Every week I say, "We'll try cereal". And then I never do it. He's 5 months today though, so we may do it this weekend. I don't think he'll have any problems eating it, but he's doing fine on just formula, so why add anything else to the mix???
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  • i hear ya. my poor baby is probably going to be saddled with our seasonal allergies and my sinus issues. I dont want to chance her developing a food allergy by introducing something too soon.
  • You're going to have to change your siggy. Every time I see it I crack up. I'm going to get in trouble at work!!!!

    We're just going to start cereal, and I think that's all he'll get for about a month. I may start bananas soon after.... I don't know yet :( I'm allergic to strawberries, although I've noticed lately that my throat doesn't swell up quite so bad when I taste something that has strawberries in it. Maybe I'm outgrowing the allergy???

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