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NBR: question for any teachers

If you are back to work already how did you ease the transition from the sub. to you teaching? Did you do a "get to know you" lesson on the first day? If you aren't back to work yet, what are you planning for the transition? I teach middle school science and have some ideas, but I would like to see what others are doing as well. TIA for any suggestions!!!

Re: NBR: question for any teachers

  • I started the year, and got to know the kidos for three weeks (I teach 2nd grade).  I plan on coming back a few times to teach a lesson here and there, so it can make the adjustment just that much easier.
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  • I didn't start the school year. I will go back in January. I am planning to treat my day back like the first day of school. I will need to get to know the kids and their names and they'll need to get to know me.
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  • I teach first grade.  I was only with my kids for 3 days (due to tropical storm faye).  I have visited once with DD and I plan on going in one day before I officially return to see how the sub's daily routine goes and will most likely follow it to ease the transition.  I've haerd that the sub is doing a good job so it shouldn't be a problem to follow her routine.
  • I had them for a month before I left.  I teach K-1 PE.  I had the 1st graders last year, so I remember them.  I may do a name game again for the Kinders.  I forgot their names already.  I go back in two weeks. 
  • I didn't start the year, so I'll have 130 kids to learn about on that first day.
  • I start back Dec. 1 and don't know what to do.  I guess I will have to do some kind of get to know you activity.  I haven't really figured this out yet!  Are you meeting with your sub before you return.  I plan to but have not contacted her to set up the time.  I don't want to go back too soon!
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