Babies: 0 - 3 Months


My baby is 4 months old today and is teething and miserable at times.  I wanted to know if anyone has used Hyland's teething tablets or orajel.  I am trying to ease his pain other than cold washcloths


Re: teething

  • we use baby oragel although it completely freaks me out and I only use the tiniest of amounts.  we have the hyland's but her teeth rarely bother her during the day so we haven't used them b/c I don't want to give them to her at night if I can't monitor her reaction.  hyland's has belladonna in them so I also want to discuss this with my doctor before using them. 
  • I use orajel sparingly and not at night, it is a numbing agent and I don't want to numb DD's mouth without being able to monitor her. I use tylenol and teething tablets at night. I've not had any problems with teething tablets.
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  • teething tablets...

    this is new to me...what is it?

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  • The teething tablets are amazing.  They always soothed DD immediately.  The other thing that helped her and still does (she has 16 teeth) are keeping some pacis frozen and offering them before resorting to anything medicinal.
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