Babies: 0 - 3 Months

OMG this freaked me out!!

I was attempting to get DD asleep tonight and then she did this weird thing. its hard to describe but she suddenly took these really quick breaths (like 3 in a row, try to picture the breathing of lamaze, real quick like that) and made some noise with it then did a weird jolt of her head and her eyes blinked funky. I didnt think much of it but then she did it again when she fell asleep on me and it woke her up.

WTF is this? I stopped her Reglan (reflux meds) on Monday b/c I read fussiness and irratibility were side effects (and also that you could get withdrawl symptoms from stopping it too). She's still fussy of course but you think this could be related? She did this 2x! if it was just once and never again i wouldnt think much of it at all.

Re: OMG this freaked me out!!

  • Caelen has done the breathing thing. Usually after he is fussy for a while, and he falls asleep on me. He'll breath like that a few times before he is down for good. I'm not sure about his eyes, cause he is ususally on my chest.
  • is it a (eeh eehh) sound? and does she vibrate a little?  My DD makes all sorts of funky sounds when she is sleeping.....she sounds like she is gasping, she grunts and her chest vibrates while doing it....she hoot-s like an owl for a long period of time during the night....its weird!!!


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