wants me to let dean cry for a while before i go in and check on him. he agrees that baby needs to be checked for wet diaper/hunger.. but if we put him down for a nap and he starts to cry he keeps giving me shiit for wanting to comfort him. it is making me MAD and hateful toward H. anyone else run into this?
Re: H driving me friggin crazy
show him in the NUMEROUS baby books where it says that newborns don't have the ability to "self soothe"
It's crappy that he's giving you a hard time, but maybe he just has the wrong impression about newborns?
No. My DH doesn't want K to ever even fuss. I mean, he can't comfort her any, but if she's fussing any at all, he runs her straight to me.
Open up a post about Babywise/CIO tomorrrow when more people are on and let your H read the responses. Tell him 3 week old babies only cry because they NEED something, even if it's just to be cuddled.
yes!! my hubby got super crazy this week and said that the house was dirty etc and that i would have more time to do things around the house if i let DD cry it out....per his sister's advice.... (im so mad at his sister....yeah, i would have a clean house if i had a maid like she does!) so yeah, i tried that today and he freaked out....he was running towards her and helping me out more....maybe its a good thing i tried it so he can see how hard it is to let them cry it out.....gggrrrr
check this article out!
Wow, I'd be pissed if my DH acted like this. I hope he did see how hard it is!
He did see it.... he was thanking me a lot today and totally taking care of DD more....it was great! But i felt like crap all day because i didn't hang out with my DD too much like i usually do....I think DH learned his lesson, i'll go back to normal tomorrow!