We have 3 kids: 5y.o. and 2 month old twins. i drive a paid off Honda CRV with 2 car seats & a high-back booster across the back seat of my car (bought it new but it now has a lot of miles b/c of my commute). dh drives a maxima with 3 yrs left of payments. we cannot fit all 3 car seats across the back row in dh's car, so he only transports one baby and the 5y.o. if he has them in his car. what do you think we should do ...
1. keep dh's car and the current situation and stay on track to pay off his car in 3 yrs or earlier.
2. find a cheaper car (SUV) for dh so that his payments are still under his current payment ... this may lead to 4 yrs for a pay-off though since he's thinking of newer used suv.
3. lease an SUV for dh and keep his payments under current
4. any other suggestions you might have???
we do not want a minivan. we will not trade my car in for a payment on a used bigger vehicle. dh prefers option #3 ---he LOVES getting new cars. i wonder if we can make the current situation work (option 1) since the babies will not always be babies/toddlers and we expect for their seats to get smaller.
we are also saving and hope to buy another home in 3 yrs (we just moved and we're renting while our current home is on the market).
Re: XP: cars & multiples --what to do?
Is there a reason why your DH needs to have a bigger car? Does he help with drop off at daycare?
Have you looked into smaller car seats like Sunshine Radian?
thanks! he will help with daycare drop off once we start that but it's kinda up in the air right now since i'll be switching jobs & unsure of where i'll b working.
Also, have you considered getting a bigger sedan?
I think an Altima has a really big back seat.
What careseats are you using right now and how often does DH drive the kiddo's? Two options that I can think are cheaper than a new car are a. getting new infant seats like the Chicho Keyfit or Baby Trend Flex Loc which are both very narrow (and possibly booster...actually your 5yo may be able to get rid of the high back and just have a normal booster) or suck it up until the twins are in convertables, switch them at 6 months, and get Combi Cocurro's which are super slim. We can fit 3 Combi Cocurro's in the back of my 2 door civic, we have no intention to actually do this because it would be impossible to get the kids in and out but they do fit...you could also do radiens but they are $$$ but do have higher weight limits, I'd just worry about your DH being able to drive comfortably with them because they take a lot of room up when rear facing.
TTC #1- unexplained...lost left ovary 4/07 IUI #1 2/10/09-BFN IUI #2 3/5/09-BFN IVF # 1-BFP
TTC#2- FET 4/7/11 BFP, Natural mc 5/5/11 IVF#2 ER 9/13/11, ET 9/16/11, Beta #1 9/27/11 BFP 254 Beta #2 9/30/11 793 -Twins!
lol, thanks, mrslee!
i say the same thing when i'm talking to someone about why i'm not upgrading or trading in my crv. perhaps i need to test drive a minivan. it's definitely psychological for me ... makes me think i really do have a lot of kids to be hauling around. imho, three or even four doesnt seem like a lot (i'm from a large family!).
I was going to say the same thing. It really is so much easier when you have 3 in car seats. We have the Chrysler T&C and are very happy with it. Sliding doors are sooo convenient. I would trade in your H's car towards the minivan and then have him drive your current car.
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