My baby will be 5 months next week. She's got 4lbs left in the weight limits of her carseat and 3 inches in height. The rate she's growing, we went ahead and bought 2 convertible carseats, but we haven't converted over just yet.
I just bought the convertable carseat a couple days ago. My baby is at 18.6lbs and gaining fast. The limit on the infant one is 22lbs, so we should be there in about a month to 1.5 months. We are going to leave him in the infant one as long as possible, but I wanted to have the convertable carseat on hand when the time comes.
Our Graco snugride goes up to 22 lbs and 29 inches. DD was 14 lbs 9 oz and 25.5 inches at her last checkup but that was almost a month ago. Once she has less than an inch left above her head we have to switch her over. Right now she has 2 inches so I think we'll switch w/in the next month or so. We already have two convertible car seats, but haven't switched her over yet.
Re: When to switch carseats?
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