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Hope I'm not spelling your screen name wrong.
Can you tell me how you got the photos in your signature arranged in a perfect square like that?
Sure. They are sizes exacly the same, using tinypic, and here is the code, without the *
<img src*=""> <img src=*""><br><img src*=""> <img src*=""><br>
when you put it in the sig box, be sure to open the window to full screen, so the entire code for each pic does not break, because that will make it not work! GL!
Re: **skoorbnibor**
Sure. They are sizes exacly the same, using tinypic, and here is the code, without the *
<img src*=""> <img src=*""><br>
<img src*=""> <img src*=""><br>
when you put it in the sig box, be sure to open the window to full screen, so the entire code for each pic does not break, because that will make it not work! GL!