Babies: 0 - 3 Months


Hi there. Love your new siggy pic! What alert eyes!

Tonight at dinner I said to DH "What do you think about doing a modified version of letting Henry CIO". He replied "What the hell makes you think I KNOW what to do?" He said it in a funny, clueless, helpless sort of way, not a mean way. Then he said "Well I dont mind, but make sure it doesnt wake me up". Such a joking Jackas!

So no plan yet.... more talk needed! :)

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I love these two beautiful children!
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  • Thanks!

    That is great that you and your husband are talking about it.  My dh and I had many discussions before we started.  I think most of them were for me to talk myself into it!  It really has been the best decision for our family.  Brady has been sleeping great.  The past two nights he didnt even cry one bit going down and just woke to eat around 4 then went right back to sleep.  The Sleepeasy Solution talks about not touching your baby and weaning night feedings, but I was not comfortable with that.  I still think he needs to eat when he wakes up then.  Its all about doing what you are comfortable with.  Naps are still a bit of a struggle, but he is an even happier baby now! 

    BTW- after putting him down the first night he cried for 22 mins...less than both dh and I thought he would.  After dh looked at me and said "that wasnt bad at all, I dont know what you were so nervous about."  He was totally kidding...he wouldnt leave the monitor or go out of the room right next to Brady.  Men.

  • Butting in.........I think you asked me about the Sleep Easy Solution the other day and I never got back to you. What questions did you have? It really was a wonderful book and Emma is such a good sleeper now.
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