Babies: 0 - 3 Months

When did your heartburn go away?

Hi Ladies!

 I was just wondering if this HORRIBLE heartburn goes away right after childbirth or does it take a while? Or does it go on forever (I hope not!!)?



Re: When did your heartburn go away?

  • It went away immediately after birth for me thank maud!!! It is terrible, I empathize :(
  • As soon as he was born. =) Hang in there!
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  • So - maybe instead of post-birth meal being sushi/wine/soft cheeses, it should be something acidic like pasta sauce. hah. I really wanted pasta for dinner tonight with marinara, however I much rather not have the heartburn. Although it seems like everything I eat nowadays causes it.
  • Like everyone said, right after delivery. ?Hang in there, I realize how horrible it is. ?It really helped me to stop eating after 6pm and to chew anti-heartburn tablets. ?Good luck!
  • I still have mine. Boo.

    Thank God for zantac! I would never have survived the end of my pregnancy without it.

    Momma to three boys: Henry - 4yo Alex - 18mo Jack - born 2/23/12 at 20w due to ruptured uterus (previa and accreta resulting in hysterectomy) He only lived here on Earth for an hour, but he will live in our hearts forever. m/c #1: sept '09, m/c #2: july '10
  • It went away the same night DS was born. (he was born in the afternoon)
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