Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Dr. squeezed colostrum out of my son's nipples!

I had noooo idea this was possible. We had our 2 week appt today and I had noticed that Brock had lumps under his nipples. So I asked the Pedi about them. She kind of giggled and squeezed his nipples. She was like, "look at this, but DO NOT tell your husband!" I could not believe it! She said it was totally normal for babies to produce colostrum! I was completely grossed out. She told me not to squeeze them at home because it would go away.

I couldn't help but tell DH when I got home. He wished I hadn't told him that! LOL!

Anyway, that's all. Just had to share.

Re: Dr. squeezed colostrum out of my son's nipples!

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