I had noooo idea this was possible. We had our 2 week appt today and I had noticed that Brock had lumps under his nipples. So I asked the Pedi about them. She kind of giggled and squeezed his nipples. She was like, "look at this, but DO NOT tell your husband!" I could not believe it! She said it was totally normal for babies to produce colostrum! I was completely grossed out. She told me not to squeeze them at home because it would go away.
I couldn't help but tell DH when I got home. He wished I hadn't told him that! LOL!
Anyway, that's all. Just had to share.
Re: Dr. squeezed colostrum out of my son's nipples!
"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for"
Didn't you know... you can milk anything with nipples...
Sorry... i couldn't resist...
Malakai - 8.3.09
Ezra - 12.1.11 ASD