Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Sleeping through the night

At age did yout DC start sleeping through the night?

Re: Sleeping through the night

  • about 12 weeks
    TTC #3 with PCOS. Long cycles, ovulate about 4-5 times a year Married 6/9/07 DS 7/15/08 Met RE 12/08 DD 6/2/10
  • As soon as the pedi said I could stop waking her up every 3 hours to eat... 5 weeks.

    She usually sleeps about 6 (or I get worried and wake her up after 6 hrs) but last night I let her go 8. After she eats she lays back down w/ DH for a couple more hours.

    I'm anticipating it may not stay this way.

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  • I would laugh at this, but sometimes I'm so tired that I laugh and can't stop.

    DD is about 5 months and three weeks old. We are so far from STTN.  

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  • at around 3 mos she started doing 8 hrs at a stretch.

    at 4 mos she started waking every three hours again.

    now at 5 mos she is doing two 6 hr stretches. 

    i'll take what i can get :) 

  • DS is 4 months and we're still up every 2 hours at best.
    DS 06.26.08 DD 10.23.10
  • around 5-6 weeks DS has reflux and his medicine stopped working for a few day. Now with the med adjustment we are back to sleeping 1am- 8 or 9 am.
  • I got lucky. My DS is now 2-1/2, but he started sttn around 3 months and pretty consistently stuck with it from then on. I think our case is probably not the norm though. I'm pg. with no. 2 right now, and I can only hope this baby is as good of a sleeper as DS has been!?
  • My son just started this past Saturday and (knocks on wood) has slept through the night everyday since.  I'm so happy he finally figured it out!
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  • 3 weeks - she slept 7 hrs

  • DS is 4 months and he used to sleep 6 hours straight (but was up every 2 hrs after that) but now he doesn't sleep longer than 3 hour stretches, more like 1-2 hours

    Us: Me (27) Hubby (27) Married since 7/24/10

    BFP #1: 10/30/2007    DS born 06/20/2008

    BFP#2 09/11/2014      DD born 05/01/2015


  • I WISH she would sleep through the night! Each night I go to sleep thinking tonight will be it....

    She is up every 3 hours since she was born.?

    Samantha Isabelle Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Elle KateLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Depends on your definition of STTN. For me, it's sleeping at least 6 hours at the end of the night, not the begining lol. But if I just consider ANY 5hr stretch, she's been "sttn" since about maybe 3mos? I have had three 9hr stretches in the past 2 wks though so I betcha she's working on it :) I'm so proud of her!!
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