Babies: 0 - 3 Months

VENT: Um baby is trying to SLEEP

They're here working on our furnace for the 3rd time in 2 days.  We have a bad gas line which means furnace won't work.   Anywho.  DH and furnace man, we'll call him Jim-Bob, are upstairs dealing with furnace.  I have managed to get Kenley down for a nap down here.  DH and Jim-Bob are not quiet.  Jim-Bob's nextel'ing his guys and everything is loud.  He's standing in the living room, where Kenley is, beeping and talking very loud.

I guess I thought DH would pick up on this but he has one thing on his mind...get the furnace fixed.  So I ask him if he and Jim-Bob can go outside or upstairs to do their talking.

Ugh I mean come on guys!  I'm trying to keep the baby asleep!!!  THINK!!!!! 

Vent over.  Thank you for listening.

DD 6/17/08, DD 6/9/10, DD 12/15/11
BFP 5/24/13 - Natural MC 6/7/13
BFP 8/13/13 - Natural MC 8/27/13
Ovarian Mass = removal of left ovary & tube 9/13
BFP 4/24/14 - Tubal Pregnancy 5/7/14
Removal of  ruptured right tube 5/8/14
IVF or adoption??

Re: VENT: Um baby is trying to SLEEP

  • I'm sorry, my DH has to yell at me to use my inside voice all the time. I talk very load.

    p.s. I love your costumes, very cute!! And little miss Kenley is adorable!

  • I totally understand your vent, but I'd suggest you try get her used to noise while napping. My aunt and uncle were paranoid over keeping the house quiet with their first child and as a result she woke up at every tiny sound, when they had another baby my aunt was at wits end because their first would not sleep unless the house was perfectly quiet.
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  • imageMrsAW:
    I totally understand your vent, but I'd suggest you try get her used to noise while napping. My aunt and uncle were paranoid over keeping the house quiet with their first child and as a result she woke up at every tiny sound, when they had another baby my aunt was at wits end because their first would not sleep unless the house was perfectly quiet.

    Oh trust me, she is definitely used to noise while napping.  Smile  Our dogs help take care of that and we'll watch TV and such.  Jim-Bob was on his nextel and it was turned up very loud and he was talking very loud. 


    DD 6/17/08, DD 6/9/10, DD 12/15/11
    BFP 5/24/13 - Natural MC 6/7/13
    BFP 8/13/13 - Natural MC 8/27/13
    Ovarian Mass = removal of left ovary & tube 9/13
    BFP 4/24/14 - Tubal Pregnancy 5/7/14
    Removal of  ruptured right tube 5/8/14
    IVF or adoption??
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