Babies: 0 - 3 Months

If you use aquaphor for red rough cheeks

I'm talking about the cheeks on the face (LOL) then how many days went by before you seen an improvement?  DD has had red rough cheeks for the pat 5 days.  I have been putting aquaphor for the past 3 days and it seems like the redness is getting worse at night. 

Re: If you use aquaphor for red rough cheeks

  • I haven't tried Aquafor but I use Boudreaux's Baby kisses on her cheeks and it helps within a day. I found it at Target near the butt paste.
    DD#1 4/3/2008 TTC in 2012
  • DD's cheeks are still "rosy" but they've been that way since birth, the roughness has smoothed out, but I do the aquaphor about 2-3 times a day and I always put it on right after washing her face with plain warm water (it may be psychological but I feel like the water helps the moisture stay in the skin).
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  • A couple days and it was was quick.  When are you putting it on?  We put it on right before bed and she's swaddled so she couldnt rub any of it off or anything
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • I do a warm wash cloth and then put it on with q -tips right before bed.  Maybe I should put it on 2x a day?
  • It took about 7 days for us to see improvement and it definitely got worse before it started to clear up.
  • Our pedi recommended 2-3 times a day...
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