Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Refusing to nap

DD has decided that morning naps are stupid and will not go down.  I have tried swaddling her, rocking her, reading to her, and pacing with her whenever I see any signs of sleepiness like rubbing her eyes or yawning.

Then, a few hours later she will have a total freak out that she hasn't slept in so long and then she finally goes down.  She then takes a lot of naps in the afternoon.

Any ideas?

Re: Refusing to nap

  • I have to grab Joey at the very first sign of sleepiness or he'll be the same way. Have you tried predicting when she'll be sleepy and getting her ready to nap sooner than she shows she needs to, kind of a preemptive strike? Other than that no advice, but I feel your pain!
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