So FIL hasnt been around a lot to see DS because he is kind of uncomfortable around newborns. That is fine by me. Today he came by because his mother was coming to see Liam. I had tried to take a nap and FIL didn't bother to lower his booming voice- whatever, I'll deal with it.
After a while we put DS down and he actually fell asleep in his crib (something we have been having trouble with) and FIL didn't bother to lower his voice again. DH shushed him and FIL asked why. We said the baby was sleeping. His response "So?". Um SO if you don't shut the eff up I will throat punch you. I mean it wouldnt be that big of a deal to just say oh, sorry. Don't disrespect me and my wishes about my baby in my house! Ugh! @$$hole! Don't mess with a new mom!
Re: Ugh FIL....