yesterday i dropped Rowen off at my IL's house so mil could babysit while i went with my husband for his deposition training. anyway, i didn't see my fil around but figured he was teaching. we pick up ds and she tells me she banned my fil to the bedroom all day cause he is sick with a cold. so many things wrong with this picture.
you really want me to believe he was in the bedroom ALLLL 6 hours that my son was there?
why didn't she tell us he was sick and let us make the decision to bring ds some where else? it's like she was hiding it.
so today i decided to stay home with ds and not go with my husband for the real deposition. she was all shocked that we weren't bringing him over. and then goes, well, i guess you're right it wouldn't be a good idea.
DUMBASS! if Rowen gets sick im going to be pizzed! why don't people get this??????????????????
Re: My dumbass MIL!
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