Baby Names

Need some feminine girl names

Not ttc quite yet, but still looking to add to my list. I like girl names that are feminine without being too frilly, nature inspired and or somewhat uncommon, though there are a few names that are more popular. I just don't see one that really jumps out at me yet. We have our future boy name picked but I'm hoping someone will give me an idea for a girl name that makes me go "ah-ha!"

Among our list so far, to give you an idea, are:

Magnolia, Autumn, Juliette, Selah, Lorelai, Anna, Fiona, Celine

No B names, and none ending in er, please.

Okay, throw out some ideas! :)

Loss #1 2008, Loss #2 2010, Loss #3 2011, Loss #4 2012, Loss #5 2012
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014

~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
~DD due! 2015~

Re: Need some feminine girl names

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