Babies: 0 - 3 Months


You MUST share your pot roast recipe-it sounds delicious!!

Re: ****chapelhillgirl****

  • Lol, it's not really a recipe.  I put a couple of these together with my freezer meals when I was in 3rd Tri.  I bought a round roast, wrapped it in foil and put it in a gallon ziploc.  Then I filled up the bag with red bliss potatoes (quartered), pre-cut carrot sticks, and onions (cut in large chunks).  This morning I dumped the whole bag in the crockpot, took the foil off the frozen meat, and sprinkled in a packet of McCormick's Pot Roast seasoning and about a half cup of water.  I cooked it on high for the first 3 or 4 hours and then turned it to low until we eat.  Voila!

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  • fantastic! I'll be trying it this week!! thanks!!!
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