Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Please help me...formula question

I have 4 week old twins, boy and girl. My little boy is having a really hard time with gas and was on Enfamil powder Newborn (I breastfed for 2 weeks but it was too much and I had to stop...many, many tears have been shed over this.) I called our pediatrician and he suggested switching to Enfamil Gentlease and said I should stop using powder and use liquid concentrate. I wasn't able to find concentrate so I bought the ready to use liquid (it expensive $7.50/32 oz) The ONLY store I can find this in is WalGreens and they don't carry a big supply. I did some research and found that Enfamil does not make Gentlease in liquid concentrate. Upon further research I fould that Similac does make their gentle formula in liquid concentrate. I just started Gentlease yesterday and can already see an improvement. This is going to cost me a fortune though and is almost impossible to find although I can order it if I can get a big enough supply to last me til it arrives. Would you switch to the Similac gentle formula? Do think I am going to really mess his belly up if I make that switch? I was SO planning on breast feeding that I didn't do any research on this stuff.
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Re: Please help me...formula question

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    I bf for 2wks also...then switched to Similac Advance (blue) it was too hard on her then we switched to Sensitive (orange) seemed we are on Soy (pink) and its working well she is still very gassy but not in pain. I would ask your pedi but as long as you choose one kind and stick with it it should be fine! HTH!!
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    Unless your baby has an allergy, I think it's ok to try different formulas. Just be careful when you change because it can upset their tummies I hear. We switched from similac advanced to gerber good start (both powder) and saw a drastic change after 3 days. It's your baby and money. The docs have their favorites but it doesn't mean you have to use that. 
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    I would try the good start gentle. much cheap and is closes to breastmilk.  they give great coupons.  you may need to keep switching until you find the one that works
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    Not a formula user so I cant help there but our daughter is super gassy and we use gripe water (which is natural) and it works beautifully! Maybe keep a formula brand you like and try the gripe water?
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    If you are going to switch, do it soon, but there isn't that big of a difference between similac gentle and enfamil gentlease and gerber gentle, they have the same nutritional value even though they all say they are better than the other. I use concentrate and ready to feed, but I use soy. If your baby is handling the concentrate and ready to feed better, then I say switch to similac as soon as you run out of the gentlease. 
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