Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Face Rash?

Over the last few days I've noticed little bumps popping up on DS's face.

They're very small, and not really in clusters, just kind of down the sides of his face, under his lips etc...

Is this baby acne possibly?

We have our pedi appt tomorrow, and I really don't even think its anything out of the ordinary - but just curious as to what it could be.

Re: Face Rash?

  • I would think baby acne. DS has been dealing with this for a bit now. I think it's just going away now.
  • I asked the pedi this question today.  She says its just caused by any type of moisture on baby's skin because its so dry.  She told me it would pass but if I wanted to I could put eucerin cream on it.
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