Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Rashes from Carter's clothes

This may have already been posted, but I thought I would post just in case.  Carter's is reporting that some infants are getting a rash from the tagless Carter's clothes.


Re: Rashes from Carter's clothes

  • You're right, it MIGHT have already been posted.  :)
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    DS1 born June 2008 | m/c at 9w March 2011 | DS2 born April 2012
  • Thanks for posting that (even if it has been posted before). I'm not on here a lot and appreciate having a link! Smile I'd heard about it but hadn't seen the actual information. 
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  • Vanilla,  you are my online hero.

  • Sorry!  I only get on for about 30 minutes a day and don't get to read all of the posts, so I thought I'd pass along just in case.
  • Geez.  Simmer down ladies. I am not on here constantly so I had not heard about this.  My DS is currently having a lot of skin/rash problems so I am grateful that you posted this.  I will be checking his clothes when I get home.    Thank you!
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