Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Poll: Your birth experince

Was it easier or harder than you expected?

Mine was easier.  I went into labor at about 11pm.  I stayed at home (let my husband sleep) and labored in the tub for most of the night.  We went to the hospital about 3:30am after my water broke and my contractions were 3mins apart.  The toughest thing was that their was maconium in the fluid and Bradys heart rate kept dropping so I had to keep switching sides and relaxing as much as I could.  Also, the epidural made me really sick. I vomited a lot and also passed out on the toilet after delivering him.  I was allowed to labor down for 1 hour and when I did start pushing he was so low that I only pushed for 45mins.  He was born on one push and I had 3 2nd deree tears.  All in all, a much easier experince than I thought it would be.  12 hours of labor and 45mins of pushing

How about you guys?


Re: Poll: Your birth experince

  • Much easier than expected.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • much harder. Hellish comes to mind. :(
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  • Super easy.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    DS1 born June 2008 | m/c at 9w March 2011 | DS2 born April 2012
  • Harder b/c I didn't think after the epi I would be able to feel what I felt when I was pushing. OUCH!!

    After it was all said and done they had to give me more numbing medicine b/c I could feel the stitches.  I only had the epi 4 hours before she arrived.

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  • It was much longer than I expected. 30+ hours, I ended up with an epidural (which I wasn't planning on), but it wasn't as difficult as I expected. If you told me I had to do it again tomorrow, I could do it--I'm not ready to care for another newborn yet, but I could handle the birth part!
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  • There came a point where I really thought I was going to die.... MUCH harder.
  • Easier on me...I feel guilty even saying I was in "labor" for 12 hrs since I only had painful contractions for 15 mins before my epidural.  However, it was more difficult on ds than I expected.
  • harder.  I has a planned c/s which I thought would be cake.  They were unable to get the spinal block in (despite LOTS of trying) so I had to be put out.  The poking and prodding for the spinal was torture.
  • Even though my labor was freaking loooong (35 hours, 24 of those in the hospital) and I pushed for 4.5 hours, it was way easier than expected.  I did get to 7cm without any pain meds, and even that part was easier than I thought it would be.
  • #1 was harder than I expected. Like most people, I was hoping to do it vaginally. I ended up with a c-section, which I knew is always a possibility. But what I really did not expect was that my c-section would be an emergency, so much that I had to be under general anesthesia and have a vertical incision :-(

    #1 was about what I expeted, as it was a scheduled c-section. 

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  • The labor was easier.  I was induced.  I was already 5 cm when I got to the hospital.  All they had to do was break my water and I went into active labor without any meds.  I got the epidural and relaxed.  That's when all hell broke loose.

    My epidural stopped working so I felt everything.  I pushed for 2.5 hours.  When he came out he was not breathing and they had to take him to the NICU.  We didn't know if he was alive or dead for an hour.  It was the most terrifying time of my entire life.

    DS1 - 08.08.08   DS2 - 05.02.10


  • Much harder! I had to be induced b/c of high bp, protine in my urine ect...and had a loooong, painful labor. I had terrible back labor which the epi barely touched, then the epi wore off, then the epi topper wore off, then my idiot doctor made me push for 2 1/2 hours during which DD did not move an inch (she was lodged up under my ribs on the left side) then I ended up with an emergency c-section during which I hemorraged and lost half my blood which resulted in me having to have 2 units of blood.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic Psalm 127:3 "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward."
  • Way easier than I expected. In fact, I can honestly say that my birth experience was a complete joy (and yes, I did have an epi!). In labor for about 12 hours, with 2 hours of pushing. The beginning was obviously painful, and sure, pushing her out kind of hurt! But everything in between getting the epi and passing her head was peaceful and sort of uneventful!
  • Much easier. I was induced at 39 weeks 1 day.  Pitocin worked great, my water broke on it's own and DD was born after I'd been at the hospital for 8 hours.  Only 2 of those were hard labor.  I pushed for about 1.5 hours and felt no pain, just pressure.  I was expecting much worse and am very happy with my experience.
    DD#1 4/3/2008 TTC in 2012
  • I labored for 22 hours including 2.5 hours of pushing....all med free!

    Until 7 cm, it was easier than I expected. I told my midwife I had hangovers that were worse :)  However, 7cm to 10 cm was worse than I expected.  And pushing was exhausting. 

  • It was different. 

    I went in hoping for a natural childbirth but knowing I'd do whatever it took to have a healthy baby and ended up with pitocin to get me to have contractions after my water broke and nothing else was happening, and then a c/section because he was too big. 

    All in all, I have a happy, healthy baby and I wouldn't trade that for anything :)

    DS 06.26.08 DD 10.23.10
  • Harder. Much harder. And longer. UGH.
  • It was much easier than I had expected. The thing I hadn't planned on was the low-dose pitocin drip they had to start me on. But I was still able to go through it without an epidural or any other pain meds or complications.?
  • Much easier!  I was only in labor for 8.5 hours, including the 40 mins of pushing.  I stayed home until I was 7 or 8 cm and was able to go w/out meds for the whole thing.  I also delivered 2 weeks early, so no waiting around for 2 weeks past my due date.

    I told DH right afterwards that I could do it again in a heartbeat.

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  • Harder.  I was planning on a drug-free birth and expected my contractions to be like bad period cramps.  Needless to say, by the time I was 7cm, I was demanding drugs in my IV they gave me stadol, which is pretty useless.  Recovery, however, was much quicker than I expected.
  • Harder, but I had an unexpected c-section which I hated and recovery sucked.
    P - 9/2008
    A - 8/2010
    L - 1/2013
    S - 3/2015
  • Harder - labor lasted 45 hours before I ended up with a c/s which was totally not in the plans. And extremely hard for me emotionally (because of the c/s).


    Easier - tho my contrax hurt (back labor mostly), it wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated.

  • thats tricky. i anticipated that pushing would be hell. however i ended up having a c/s because my guy was so big. the c/s was awful. i had a bad reaction to the epi and was in very intense pain in my neck & shoulders. also i got the shakes really bad and vomitted a lot. all in all i don't know that i'd reccomend a c/s to anyone who didn't actually need one... maybe it's easier if you don't labor ahead of time. i don't know.
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  • It was a lot eaiser then I thought it was going to be.  I didn't have time for drugs and it didn't hurt as bad as i thought it would going natural. 
  • Labor was easier than expected but the recovery was worse. I was in a lot of pain for a week and I had the baby blues/anxiety bad!
  • Easier.  I got induced with pitocin, but they thought her heart rate was dropping, so they broke my water and put the internal monitor on her.  They were right, her heart rate was getting extremely low with each contraction.  And, the contractions were nothing compared to the pain of gallstones!  She was born via c/s about 3 hours after we checked into the hospital. 
  • Easier.

    Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14

  • Since DS and I both almost died, I have to say it was the hardest and most terrifying experience of my life. I had no idea what pain was until my liver nearly ruptured and pushed into my lungs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the delivery part (c/s) was easy!
  • Well, honestly, it was pretty much exactly like I planned it. We had an unmedicated home-birth. I knew it was going to hurt and I knew it would be intense. Really, the only thing I didn't expect was how quickly it went. I was really only in labor for about 2 and a half-3 hours. 4 pushes.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Much easier!  I almost feel guilty about how fantastic it was -- 12 hours of labor total, an hour and a half of pushing, no drugs, no tears.  It was an amazing experience.
  • Harder...I wanted to do the whole natural birth thing. Yeah right...that went out the window when I started vomitting in between every contraction...and the contractions were coupling and I wasn't dilating properly. Got the pitocin, epidural, fell asleep for a few hours then woke up ready to push...I am now a true believer in pain meds!
  • Harder, but then again I started labor 10 weeks before I actually delivered :( ?This caused a strange contraction pattern. ?At one point I had a contraction that lasted an hour (it had peaks and valleys, but I never got any rest). ?At another while pushing I had no contractions. ?Pushing with no contraction help sucks. ?I pushed for 2.5 hours, had a vac extraction and episiotomy. ?Would I do it again, yes, but I really want a normal contraction pattern and no preterm labor followed by a birth at 41 w 1d. ??

    Thomas ~ 07/07/2008 ~ 8 lbs, 5 oz

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

    What's in my camera bag: Nikon D5000, Kit Lens 18-55mm, 55-200mm, 35mm 1.8G, 50mm 1.8G, 85mm 1.8G, Tamron 28-75mm, SB 600 Speedlight

    Global Developmental Delay consisting of a receptive language delay and self help skills delay

  • Much, much much harder.  My labor was freakishly bad and delivery was a dark night of the soul.

    But,  you try having a 10.8lb baby vaginally unmedicated and see what happens :)


    Freakishly bad.  For Realz.

  • Labor was easier...I went from 3 cm to 10 cm in about 4 hours.  Delivery was harder...they had to turn off my epidural so I felt everything!  i pushed for 2 hours.
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  • My birth experience was amazingly easy.  My water broke on its own and I was given pitocin b/c I stalled at 3 cm.  I went from 3 cm to 10 cm in less than 45 minutes and I only pushed through four contractions.  I was in labor for less than 8 hours total and this was my first baby!
  • Much easier even though I didn't get an epidural like I had planned (it went to fast!)
  • MUCH harder! 20 hours of labor, 3 hours of pushing, they stopped my epidural meds and I had a level 4 tear/epi. NOT FUN!
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  • A million times easier than I thought.  I had a c/s which wasn't decided on until the day i went into labor.  I had an oncall dr. who decided that due to my small frame and the baby's size that she wouldn't come out of me without a struggle so he decided on the c/s before I started any painful contractions. 
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