Pre-School and Daycare

My "baby" is going to preschool...

Well not until next fall but he is registered!  My twins are starting kindergarten next fall and now my baby is going to school too?  This will be a rough September for mama.  Crying

When I told DH it was time to register DS #3 he actually said, "Baby Ryan?  Our Baby Ryan?"  I guess it's true that you hold on to the baby stage with your youngest for as long as you can. 

The good news is, DS#3 is thrilled with the idea of going to school.  He's been left behind while his brothers went for the last two years.  I can't wait to see him in school, making his own friends...  Big Smile

I'm going to be a wreck.


My twins are 5! My baby is 3!

DS#2 - Allergic to Cashew, Pistachio, Kiwi

DS#3 - Allergic to Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts and Sesame

Re: My "baby" is going to preschool...

  • You won't be alone.... my only baby is heading to kindergarten in the fall.  Starting this year full days are the only option... I feel like I've been robbed of my last year with him!  We can wallow together.  Crying

    Me: Endometriosis, PCOS, Insulin Resistance, Estrogen Dominance, Irregular Cycles
    DH:  100% Abnormal Sperm Morphology
     BFP #1 (Surprise!)  "Monkey"- 09/16/2006. DS born 06/01/2007.   
    BFP #2  "Quinn" EDD 06/21/13- MMC @ 8 weeks - Disc. 12/12/12 @ 13w0d 
    BFP #3  "Luna" EDD 03/31/14- MC 07/29/13 @ 5 w0d 
    BFP #4  "Star" EDD 07/06/14- MC 11/28/13 @ 8 weeks
    BFP #5 "Baby J"- 02/07/14. DS born 10/29/2014 My Rainbow!
    ~Everyone Welcome~

  • Aww, hugs!  I know I'll be a bit teary when that day comes for me too.
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  • hugs- we just registered Gisele too. I am soooooooo not ready :(
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